Jar sized Hygrometer/Thermometer

ordered some of this to see if it will work as a non-toxic, non-vapor sealant

I finally got around to working on
Curing/storage lids

Since a wide mouth jar lid fits
Pint, quart, 1/2 gal & 1 gal wide mouth jars its a pretty flexible solution.

This gauge
Pushes down into a wide mouth jar lid.
IMG_20180129_152956.jpg Perfect fit
Im going to use a hot glue gun to seal
And hold it in place

Ba-ba booey...

I ordered 6 gauges and a couple were off by 1 or 2.
I'm ok with that and I marked them accordingly.

The +2 marking reminds me to add
2 to the actual reading.

I make no promises that this will work well for you but if you are interested the gauges were 6.79ea at amazon
Just search lockdown hygrometer.

The image they use looks slightly different than what arrives.

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I left the whole lot in a room sitting right next to my digital.

Gave it a few hours then checked them

Was wondering if analog style meters are just as accurate as digital ...
Bought the small digital sand there is some variables ( 1- 2 % ) typical which really isn't that bad if in cure zone anyways.
Was wondering if analog style meters are just as accurate as digital ...
Bought the small digital sand there is some variables ( 1- 2 % ) typical which really isn't that bad if in cure zone anyways.
Being 100 percent honest, I just like the looks of analog. Lol

But I too expect variance in everything.

Since I have several I will expect to see them all in a similar range and if 1 is not I will be alerted that there is a possible problem.
So far were cooking right along.
I have at this point stuck a boveda in the jars for insurance. A week or two after dry.

When you open the jar it smells like crazy so I don't think the boveda is tampering with aroma.

One of these gauges broke out of 6 so far.

The boveda only works if the weed is super close to a proper range.

You cant shove a small one in 3 oz of dry weed and expect it to overpower that. They are different sizes for a reason.

What I have done is taken the lid from a water bottle and folded a sheet of toilet paper until it fits. Added a few drops of water to that and dropped it in the jar along with boveda

My takeaway is that boveda works if you use the correct size and if the humidity as nearly in range when you put it in.

Imo boveda does a better job of removing moisture than it does replacing it.

Hence my water bottle lid

All in all being able to just glance at the jars and see they are in range without
Opening and fishing for the device is well worth it to me.
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