Javadog's Next Adventure


Well-Known Member
I remember getting off the hits you in the face.

Breathing feels different at first.


LOL, I am happy to hear that you are better off....closer to water?


Well-Known Member
Hey looks like alot of us are from the same era. A shade over 40 myself here. Our generation pushed pot into the mainstream IMO.

I visited LA once, never again lol. I would love to hit some NorCal spots though, some beautiful country there. Being from Michigan,
I need some open spaces and low population density. Thankfully we at least have some medical rights, although our possession limits
of 70 grams is pathetic.


Well-Known Member
A big reason is that our generation was specifically impacted by the drug war initiated by Nixon, whose primary goal was to be rid of the scourge of war protesters.....pot smoking hippies. What it has become is a war emphasizing the least harmful and derailed or ruined hundreds of thousands of lives, mostly from our generation. This is a big reason why our generation has pushed the change. We have seen peers and families messed up over a beneficial plant all to fuel the prison slave labor force. The drug war is nonsense and finally we have people from our generation becoming empowered to do something about it.

Sorry about the soapbox, but this issue gets me fired up.


Well-Known Member
That's not a soapbox john, I completely agree with you. We are being punished for what started clear back with fucking anslinger. Fucking prick, it's the devils weed, wtf you racist bastard. Then Nixon pushed it even further. Go back to watergate Nixon. I sometimes feel like I was born in the wrong year.

Oh well I'll never go back. I'm a life time supporter of this plant. I've seen what it can do and I'll never go back.

Sorry I'm stoned and johns post sparked something lol


Well-Known Member
I'll happily smoke to that!


I usually go to Ben Franklin, about the smartest creature ever spawned,
who said that "Beer was proof that God Loves Man, and wants him to
be happy". If Ben were aline today, then he'd enjoy a bowl of sweet hemp.

Have a great weekend bros!



Well-Known Member
LOL It's all good....they are my two favorite days!


BTW: Hectic morning, with me having to race out to get smogged,
but when I got back I took to time to go over the clones. Those that
got all of may were popped out for a look-see.

Great news! I got the first viable clones of Abub and Wet Dream!

These are Clone-Onlys, WD is a San Diego special and was bred
for the band Slightly Stoopid IIRC

I got another GDP too.

That makes it, of the new Clonlys: Green Crack, GDP, and Wet Dream
that I can now flower when ready. Hoo hoo!

Take care,


P.S. I also up-potted the first of the sprouts, Malawi from Ace...a real killer
smoke, but also a reg bean, so we will see.


Well-Known Member
Super Lemon looked like it could be taken at 7 weeks,
but it was going to get 10 weeks, but it popped balls and had to
be taken at around week 8.


Not a bad smoke, and not weak, but without keeper flavor. If it could
have gone longer, then who knows?
