LOL It's all good....they are my two favorite days!
BTW: Hectic morning, with me having to race out to get smogged,
but when I got back I took to time to go over the clones. Those that
got all of may were popped out for a look-see.
Great news! I got the first viable clones of Abub and Wet Dream!
These are Clone-Onlys, WD is a San Diego special and was bred
for the band Slightly Stoopid IIRC
I got another GDP too.
That makes it, of the new Clonlys: Green Crack, GDP, and Wet Dream
that I can now flower when ready. Hoo hoo!
Take care,
P.S. I also up-potted the first of the sprouts, Malawi from Ace...a real killer
smoke, but also a reg bean, so we will see.