Say what? I understood only the last part of that lol. I came up? I'm so lost here.You came up bro....the trouble with transit...he took a
risk to even bring clones. Man, but I wish that things
would lighten up.
Hoping that things improve for you and yours.
Unfortunately there isn't. I've been trying for quite sometime now. Out here it's about money bro, they don't care if you're sick or it helps you. It's about that dollar and they don't care if it's the right amount or not. It's sad it really is. I know like 1 other grower around me and he's clear across the state almost by Colorado.You and your situation...I was suggesting the Dr take a duffel bag
to you...but then the reality...that this would be as dangerous as
shipping that large amount....set in and he could not.
Large amounts moved by any means just seems to mean large
amounts of time in the hooscow.
There just must people locals ready to step in....
Im concidering some apollo 13 bx beans. Have u ran her yet? Whats ur opinion?Thanks Pap.
Well, I am having to wait to pull the plug on Cable until
my wife can get ready to have the number swapped out
to another line. (Sound like a big chunk of dumb? Yup!)
Anyhoo. I hope that you are all doing well.