Javadog's Next Adventure

Looks good & frosty, and a banana flavor... I love those not as much tang but the taste is still amazing with a decent pheno
Well, I might end up with as many as 64.

I figure on taking 2 a week when things settle down.

The HGK is rocking week #10 and the SnowLAnd looks like
it really wants to go at 8 weeks. So, another eight look to
go in next weekend.

About to sample the SK....G'Day Folks! :0)

I'll find a banana to run some time Dom.

Oh, and before I launch, I give you the Cole Train:

Check out this LED shot:

They yield was smaller buds....but I let it got riot and did not do another thing
for it. It has a fruity smell that I have *not grown before* and that is FTW all
by itself. Very sweet and exotic.

Onward and upward

LOL, I cannot let me thread fall off page one....of my own threads-list!

It is only Tuesday. The Sour Kosher is down to 70% RH in the container
and I am wafting air over it a couple times a day. It will be very nice in another
week or two.

The QQ and CT are hanging, but nowhere near jar-able yet.

Carry on!


The Wee Hours to work, but I stopped to check the
trichs on the HGK. ....many clear and zero (not one) amber.
I do not think that this one will be taken this weekend after all....

I am not going to rush it...if it take 11 then that is that.

I might be taking the 8 (!).

What are people using since The Pirate Bay went down?

I have a Demonoid login, but that URL loads all sorts
of attacks. (thank you Eset ;0)


Well, I would love to...but I am still having to waft air over
them as they finish drying out.

I really do not like missing the window and letting buds dry too
much...I would prefer to jar them too wet over too dry.

Now, this being said, when one sees 72% in the container, after
a week of burping, after a week of drying, then it can try one's
patience. :0)

I wish you all could smell the waft off the Cole Train....strawberry jam.

The QQ is more traditional, but it promises to be even stinkier.

Take care,

Well, I would love to...but I am still having to waft air over
them as they finish drying out.

I really do not like missing the window and letting buds dry too
much...I would prefer to jar them too wet over too dry.

Now, this being said, when one sees 72% in the container, after
a week of burping, after a week of drying, then it can try one's
patience. :0)

I wish you all could smell the waft off the Cole Train....strawberry jam.

The QQ is more traditional, but it promises to be even stinkier.

Take care,

I knoow, right?
I was curing mine in Jan and the jars stayed at 70-72% for freakin ever !
Looking forward to the smoke report....