Hello all,
I took the time to snap some shots of the garden.
The Kale is probably the biggest winner with wifey...it is something
of a fad out west:
A "Tigger Melon":
Butter Lettuce:
The old Cucumber is out, and a Casaba melon is in:

The Cucumbers are pickles that will feed the family for a while. :0)
Mustard Greens and Swiss Chard:
The brassicas are doing great (these are Brussel's Sprouts):
Two types of corn....they need more soil...but are working:

Two types of chilis, Anaheim and Jalepeno:

We have arugula, artichokes, etc coming up:
I have no real outdoor plants, but I had an Auto an nowhere to put it, so I stealthed
it into the corner of a planter. See if you can see it:
There it is!
My wife loves her herb garden. I added Summer Savory, Sage, Marjoram, Thyme,
Oregano, and a couple others...FROM SEED. LOL, but really this is a big deal for me.

Some of these have seeds like smoke particles. I shit you not.
Take care all,