Javadog's Next Adventure


Well-Known Member
You might be seeing the crisping from the Kapow! Bass,
as the Apollo did not get as hungry as the Ace of Spades.

Now, the AOS is a hungry beast.

You can see that both it (the Apollo) and the Skunk #1,
that the wet-down with Kapow! has, again, crisped up some
of the outer leaves. I am hoping that it is worth the stress,
but it worked as far as a can tell.

I did shop-vac out the saucers and fed every plant yesterday.

I started with plain Compost Tea and fed just the Lemon Thai Kush
as it is finishing, then I added the Pro-Blend, Cal-Mag, Kelp, B-52,
and fed the young plants, then I added some Big Bud and fed the
Sour Kosher last.

They looked happy today. I will be dropping the AOS down,
and the Cheese Surprise too.

The tent last night:
View attachment 2978147

Onward and upward,


P.S. No, it's was both of am finding that several
of my Vegging plants got thirsty. This happens very slowly during Veg
and I can miss it if no plant makes it obvious. :0(
I was referring to your comment on the clone....

  • When I took out the tray to remove the clone I noticed that the peat
    that it was in was bone dry!​



Well-Known Member
Oh....Ah, fark, yes. The clone was bone dry...the roots kept it
together, and nothing else.

BUT, lol, I am also finding that the Veg plants, in the closet, managed
to get dry, but not hungry to the eye for the most part.

I have to sit the Vegging hempys into a big saucer to feed them and
it takes a while for each to drain enough to replace them into the closet.
So, I give full drenchings and not more often than I have to. :0)



Well-Known Member
The big feed continues.

Here are some shots of the Vegging plants.

The Clone Table:

You see that I added a board to allow me to keep
the smallest plants a bit higher. I will likely make
this light lower-able in the future.

Note also that you can see all five of the recently popped
ladies (hopefully ;0) Ace's Purple Haze and Panama, Cheese,
G13's Purple Haze, and Plushberry.

Sour Cherry 2 looks like a little tree right now. We will see. :0)
Sour Cherry 2.jpg

Jilly Bean is being trained:
Jilly Bean.jpg

The dry clone is now a happy little plant:
Apollo 13 clone.jpg

Green Crack is main-lined for 8, but is growing out a bit before
it's training starts:
Green Crack.jpg

Super Lemon Haze was not lost!
Super Lemon Haze.jpg

Trainwreck 2 is growing around it's bucket:
Trainwreck 2.jpg

More later.



Well-Known Member
LOL I cannot bring myself to cut off too much frost.

I sometimes clean stuff up a bit before enjoying it.

If "bag appeal" was an issue, then I'd have to get a trimmer,
to take the job out of my hands. :0)



Well-Known Member
LOL I cannot bring myself to cut off too much frost.

I sometimes clean stuff up a bit before enjoying it.

If "bag appeal" was an issue, then I'd have to get a trimmer,
to take the job out of my hands. :0)

Haha, hell yeah. I just never worry about cutting off too much trim because I know it is just into my BHO or edibles so I get it anyways lol.

I've been thinking about getting a small trimmer, you know anything about them at all? I don't lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah....if I can find my damn bubble bags!

BHO is fun, but I am terrible at working with it, and
the resulting yield is minimal. I want to make a Frenchy Canoli.

Have a great day!



Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I wanted to post the status of my efforts with two of my slower
growing plants, Purple Wreck and Holy Grail Kush.

Here is Purple Wreck:
Purple Wreck 2.jpg
Purple Wreck 3.jpg
Purple Wreck 4.jpg
Purple Wreck 1.jpg
All of that green in the stems was earned!

This lady is doing very well right now. She is very slow in Veg,
but will likely pick up speed in flower.

I have no idea when this one will hit the tent.



Well-Known Member
Here is Holy Grail Kush:
Holy Grail Kush 1.jpg
Holy Grail Kush 2.jpg
Holy Grail Kush 3.jpg
This slow grower confused me somewhat, starting off very finicky, and
taking a long time to really get going. ...but then I noticed that this
plant may be the stinkiest breed in Veg that I have worked with.

It smelled sooooo good. I chopped it down, hard, and up-potted it to
a hempy bucket to grow roots.

Both this plant and the PW will have a *very* good root system by the
time that they are flowered.

Here is my second Psycho Killer:
Psycho Killer.jpg
The first was male. I am getting a good feeling about this one,
and am hoping to see some pistils this week.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I took the time to up-pot to beer cups some of the clones
in the seed tray.


These clones include Trainwreck #2, Sour Cherry #2,
Jillybean, and Holy Grail Kush, along with additional
Skunk #1 and Apollo 13 clones.

It is a very good feeling, to have viable clones taken before
a female even hits the flowering tent.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
This one may intrigue you somewhat....

I was checking my Deep Psychosis for pre-flowers
and I saw something growing where it just should not be.

It is a small growth which I wondered might be a flower,
but a closer look makes me think new leaf/branch.

What is weird is that is is popping out of the dead center
of an existing branch.

Here is a wide shot, with the branch in question circled:

Here is a close-up:

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
Seems odd to me too. Could be ball from a male, could be new set of leaves, could be a calaxys from a female.

I'm pretty confused, but that could be from the scotch and weed haha. ;-)