Jaw wired shut. Cutting wires early?

okay so my jaw has been wired shut too for 7 weeks. at my last appointment they said they would call me during the week to schedule the removal. i just cant wait dude, fuck! what will happen if i cut them? will the doctor be okay with it or what?
oh ive been blending soups, mashed potatoes, even chili. i even tried doing a wet burrito last night lmfao but it was gross. its just not the same, i need fooood.
okay so my jaw has been wired shut too for 7 weeks. at my last appointment they said they would call me during the week to schedule the removal. i just cant wait dude, fuck! what will happen if i cut them? will the doctor be okay with it or what?
Pics or it didnt happen.
They look easy enough to cut. I was imagining way more wires. The only thing id worry about would be the jagged wires still being in there if you couldnt get them all out, and then having to sleep with those things poking you in the lips all night. Is it worth it?