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We started growing marijuana as just an experiment and at the time a thought that maybe we could make some money off it why not. We started it all off with some seeds. The seeds were not anything special a during this time i was dealing with middys an so we just toke a bunch of those an put then in between a wet paper towel and put them in a dark place within a few days we started to see root. We let the seeds go until the root was about a half an inch long. Then we planted as i recall about 30 rooted seeds into little stirifoam cups. I went to walmart an got a little indoor grow light. the next few days we just waited excitedly for the seeds to sprout. I remeber when we had the first one sprout it felt like a great acoplishment haha. After about a week an about 70% of the cups sprouted i decided that it was time to buy a better light so i went to our local grow store.(I would not recommend a local grow store) At the time i didnt no of any other place to buy a grow light. So i went in there described the space and he sold me a 400 watt hps (high pressure sodium) for $400.I also bought a bag of fox farm soil which is good but at this store it was $25 for a 2 cubic ft bag. (walmart soil works just fine) Which later i come to find out that he suckered me because you can get a 1000 watt light for less then that on any online site so for all of u beginners out there be careful!!
That was just the beginning now its gravy buds all the time i guess we all go though the rough time before being able to grow good buds theres so many things you have to account for its like a full time job if u real want to do it up. i have been keeping track of all of my crop right from veg to flower daily journal entrys just for my own records and to try to be as efficent as possible now hopefully well be able to help anyone in need. This crop that i am currently farming in on day 48 of flowering it is super silver haze and the buds are covered with resin crystles they sparkly in the thousand watt. theres about 50 of them so pots have 2 in them just to maximize the space and it has worked well.
That was just the beginning now its gravy buds all the time i guess we all go though the rough time before being able to grow good buds theres so many things you have to account for its like a full time job if u real want to do it up. i have been keeping track of all of my crop right from veg to flower daily journal entrys just for my own records and to try to be as efficent as possible now hopefully well be able to help anyone in need. This crop that i am currently farming in on day 48 of flowering it is super silver haze and the buds are covered with resin crystles they sparkly in the thousand watt. theres about 50 of them so pots have 2 in them just to maximize the space and it has worked well.