jealous women- who knows one?


Well-Known Member
well thats the thing i am the daddy. we moved to another town since the incidents. i think its greatly due to her thinking im going to cheat on her. shes probably thinking of paybacks. yes i would like to pay her back in some way, but not to stoop to her level. i would do it on a grande scale. and make it worth it


Well-Known Member
yeah well i told her on many occasions and shes been told too not just by me but she knows no other guy would put up with the shit i been through


lol im a girl. sounds like your girl friend is either crazy or has self esteem issues or somethin tell her to smoke some pot when she goin crazy hahahah goodluckk man


Well-Known Member
well my gf is extremely jealous. she dont like me leaving the house. she gets mad at me for communicating with girls. i.e. if a girl comes up to me and asks me a question about anything and i dont know her and she sees me talking. she says im hitting on her or im fucking her or somethin). but its ok for her to talk to her exbfs and stuff. shes always looking over my shoulder. almost everyday she blames me for jacking off or something. shes extremely jealous. if anyone should be insecure it should be me considering shes cheated on me and we broke up one time and she went around fucking my friends and family. but how in the hell do i make her stop? she doesnt realize if i were gonna cheat on her or something i would have done it already. how can i make her see that. that i dont like being accused and shit. i feel like im back in high school. how can i shut her up?

Sounds like she is prolly still cheating on you if she is so suspicious of you. + talking to her ex's still. I'd run and never look back but thats just me. I say at least cheat on her so she has something to be suspicious of if you decide to keep her around. :evil::mrgreen: