Jealous's 156W CFL Rubbermaid Fem'd Bubblicious Grow


Active Member
ya the cfl and fixture hing can get a bit crazy ive seen paople go nuts with y's and splitters and lamp cords hahaha butmy favorite is bathroom light holds 5 bulbs usually plus home depot sells a new cfl bulb that is just plain massive there are easy ways to get more light with a couple of bucks ill be using a 16 light fixture i found at a remodeling job with 16 23 watters but the bigger issue is always gonna be heat im sure your new inlet will help a bunch!!
cant wait to see all the result man!!!

plus tempssssss


sweeeeeeeeet toally stoked for the update

hell yea, all those lights hangin there are getting crowded for sure with all those damn cords and shit, lol. Especially now that I hung the 2 new ones over the left one now. I should get some kinda fixture thing instead of what i'm doing now lol. I'll keep my eyes peeled for soemthing like that but at this point i'm not gonna go outta my way.


Active Member
Well F day is here, and damn all those 27ks hanging in there make it hard to look into the box lol, like the damn sun, way harder to see forsure. I'm going to be running the lights from 8AM-8PM, still haven't put another hole in there yet, i suppose i'll get around to that tomorrow, got alot of shit going on today. I'm sure the left girl is going to be very happy now that she has her very own lights hangin over her now. I still gotta go to the store today and get some RO'd water, the girls are looking a little thirsty, prolly be leavin in a few mins actually. Anyways on with the pix, actually they look so tall already I hope I didn't go 12/12 to late, I might just have to take drastic measures later on if they get too tall, hopefully i'll be straight. Alright now on with the pix.



Active Member
shitttt man its way to hot in there the upward curl on the side of the leaves is the indication!

pull back lights and add the air vent

get those temps back down fast my man

hope it all comes back around


Active Member
shitttt man its way to hot in there the upward curl on the side of the leaves is the indication!

pull back lights and add the air vent

get those temps back down fast my man

hope it all comes back around
Just added the vent, about a 2.5 x 2.5 inch square. The temps had jumped up to around 98 with teh 2 extra added lights, light trapped it, there's a little light leaking OUT but I don't think any light can get IN though. Now with the vent the temps dropped back down to 93-94. Might just say fuck it and add another vent on the opposite side of that one, you think that would help to drop it down more, or would the fans on top not be able to pull through both bottom vents? Here's some pix of the vent and the trap.



Active Member
Just added the vent, about a 2.5 x 2.5 inch square. The temps had jumped up to around 98 with teh 2 extra added lights, light trapped it, there's a little light leaking OUT but I don't think any light can get IN though. Now with the vent the temps dropped back down to 93-94. Might just say fuck it and add another vent on the opposite side of that one, you think that would help to drop it down more, or would the fans on top not be able to pull through both bottom vents? Here's some pix of the vent and the trap.
fuck mannnnn
to be honest you need to be at 70 - 83 max anything above that your gettin into murky water and anything above 90 will be toasted


we need air going HOT OUT at the TOP

we need air comin COOL IN at the BOTTOM
so i would add two fans at the top suckin the air out of your grow
and two at the bottom sucking cool air in

that should drop you to maybe mid 80-s if your lucky maybe even lower

what is the temp at night outdoors?
if its below 80 you probably wanna crack window if you can and point a fan at the box (if you can)

you neeed some form of cool air source
via ac or outdoors

im pretty stoned so im gonna throw out an idea ive been considerin
grab a cooler fill it up with ice and then suck the cool air towards your plants

thats the easy way..

what i wanna do is cut a 4 inch hole in the top attach a air duct to and grab a inline fan an point the duct at my light fixture wish i had the space for a cooler.....

put a fuckin cooler in a seprate rubber maid cut off the lid of the cooler put the rubber maid lid back on cut a whole in the rubber maid and put a fan in between the growing rubber maid and the ghetto ac rubber maid hahaha

hope some of that made sense those last options are complete experiments and i never have attempted them all though i would love to i cant tell you its the best option

just go with my vent system warm out top cool in bottom

hope fully you can achieve some succes

i had trouble today as well i added 4 more 23 watters temp was at 86.4
kinda bummed so i cut the added in half its runnin at 80-82.3
which gives me a total of 138cfl watts
so thats fucked to which means i need to go and make for better ventilation as well cant wait to get my box running error free i must admit closets and rooms are cake work compared these fuckin micro grows cant belkieve the how hard it is to get everything operationg on the same level
but i willl soon ill just go do some more research bongsmilie

anyways tip for the day co2 aparentlly works well in grow rooms with a little bit higher temps or so i =ve readin about

just keep it up hope fully we can both settle these temps and get back to happy growing



Active Member
fuck mannnnn
to be honest you need to be at 70 - 83 max anything above that your gettin into murky water and anything above 90 will be toasted


we need air going HOT OUT at the TOP

we need air comin COOL IN at the BOTTOM
so i would add two fans at the top suckin the air out of your grow
and two at the bottom sucking cool air in

that should drop you to maybe mid 80-s if your lucky maybe even lower

what is the temp at night outdoors?
if its below 80 you probably wanna crack window if you can and point a fan at the box (if you can)

you neeed some form of cool air source
via ac or outdoors

im pretty stoned so im gonna throw out an idea ive been considerin
grab a cooler fill it up with ice and then suck the cool air towards your plants

thats the easy way..

what i wanna do is cut a 4 inch hole in the top attach a air duct to and grab a inline fan an point the duct at my light fixture wish i had the space for a cooler.....

put a fuckin cooler in a seprate rubber maid cut off the lid of the cooler put the rubber maid lid back on cut a whole in the rubber maid and put a fan in between the growing rubber maid and the ghetto ac rubber maid hahaha

hope some of that made sense those last options are complete experiments and i never have attempted them all though i would love to i cant tell you its the best option

just go with my vent system warm out top cool in bottom

hope fully you can achieve some succes

i had trouble today as well i added 4 more 23 watters temp was at 86.4
kinda bummed so i cut the added in half its runnin at 80-82.3
which gives me a total of 138cfl watts
so thats fucked to which means i need to go and make for better ventilation as well cant wait to get my box running error free i must admit closets and rooms are cake work compared these fuckin micro grows cant belkieve the how hard it is to get everything operationg on the same level
but i willl soon ill just go do some more research bongsmilie

anyways tip for the day co2 aparentlly works well in grow rooms with a little bit higher temps or so i =ve readin about

just keep it up hope fully we can both settle these temps and get back to happy growing

Fuck that outside inline with a duct inside around the lights is a good idea, I'm out of time though, going to be going on my trip in the next hour or so. Yea I have 2 fans up top sucking out, one blowing in and the passive both down low, maybe I could cut another passive intake, but don't have the time to light proof it, just got my tax's back too, so I got the funds lol, but no time, typical. Though the girls do look fine, they don't look stressed from what I can see, just the yellows down low from nute def and one leaf that grew into the damn bulbs. I think the pix don't really do them justice, that plant on the left is looking great now too with the extra lights. I might just take out some bulbs real fast that aren't contributing that much direct light, hope that helps. But too, they won't really start to bud up and flower in these next 5 days so thinking they'll be straight. Are those inline fans loud?


Active Member
Fuck that outside inline with a duct inside around the lights is a good idea, I'm out of time though, going to be going on my trip in the next hour or so. Yea I have 2 fans up top sucking out, one blowing in and the passive both down low, maybe I could cut another passive intake, but don't have the time to light proof it, just got my tax's back too, so I got the funds lol, but no time, typical. Though the girls do look fine, they don't look stressed from what I can see, just the yellows down low from nute def and one leaf that grew into the damn bulbs. I think the pix don't really do them justice, that plant on the left is looking great now too with the extra lights. I might just take out some bulbs real fast that aren't contributing that much direct light, hope that helps. But too, they won't really start to bud up and flower in these next 5 days so thinking they'll be straight. Are those inline fans loud?
I would say the inline fan is about a 6 out of 10 on the oud scale not horrible but not silent either

hope your lights are high enough when you toook off hate too see them touch again

hopefully some fundages will help make this an even beter groww!



Definitely don't leave your plants while your on a trip with temps hovering that high. You'll come back and they'll be fried. Unscrew all but a few cfl's to keep em alive while you're away. I'd hate to see your crop dead upon your return!


Active Member
Definitely don't leave your plants while your on a trip with temps hovering that high. You'll come back and they'll be fried. Unscrew all but a few cfl's to keep em alive while you're away. I'd hate to see your crop dead upon your return!
your totally right man
hope he gets this info soon enough


Active Member
your totally right man
hope he gets this info soon enough
Well i'm back and the girls are doing great, lots of growth while I was gone, my homeboy did a good job I should say, a few leaf tips got singed a little bit, and I can tell they're starving for some flowering nutes which i'll be mixing up tomorrow and feeding them with, gonna give em half strength Jacks Bloom. I'm sure they'll love it. other than that, not much change to talk about cause I was gone, at first I was a little freaked out when I saw em cause the lower leaves that got fucked cause of nute deficiency before are really shriveled and messed up now, lol. And like I said earlier seeing some signs that they need nutes bad, but i'll take care of that tomorrow first thing. Anyways here is some new pix that I just shot.



Active Member
They are def alot taller and spred out have you thought about lsting them again
Yea now that i'm back, tomorrow morning i'm gonna work on the girls some, tie em down, hose em down with water and nutes, thinking i'm just gonna say fuck it and get yet ANOTHER fan lol, instal it in the back of the box above the inlet fan so it's sucking out heat from below the lights and then rig another diy carbon scrubber over that. Though, I think that the other inlet hole I cut in there has made a big difference, when I checked them towards the end of their light period when I had just got back from the trip the temp was 87, 7 degrees cooler than the average temp from before the new hole I cut. But i did just only get back some i'm going to be periodically checking the temp and see if that's generally true or not, if it us usually high 80's that's fucking great, but i'll still put in another fan still I think.


Active Member
Yea now that i'm back, tomorrow morning i'm gonna work on the girls some, tie em down, hose em down with water and nutes, thinking i'm just gonna say fuck it and get yet ANOTHER fan lol, instal it in the back of the box above the inlet fan so it's sucking out heat from below the lights and then rig another diy carbon scrubber over that. Though, I think that the other inlet hole I cut in there has made a big difference, when I checked them towards the end of their light period when I had just got back from the trip the temp was 87, 7 degrees cooler than the average temp from before the new hole I cut. But i did just only get back some i'm going to be periodically checking the temp and see if that's generally true or not, if it us usually high 80's that's fucking great, but i'll still put in another fan still I think.

soooooo happpy you got those temps down all the inlets you can get help allot!! im still workin on my temps as well seeing how i came home and its was at 88.3 so im switching it up a bit adding an exhaust and a cool intake fan trying to cool back down to room temmp
as of now my barneys farm lsd s growing great and the chiesel and sharkbreath have sprouted still a few weeks out of being worth for a journal but its going great!

cant wait to seee them flower learnin allot from jsut purely observing!


Active Member
soooooo happpy you got those temps down all the inlets you can get help allot!! im still workin on my temps as well seeing how i came home and its was at 88.3 so im switching it up a bit adding an exhaust and a cool intake fan trying to cool back down to room temmp
as of now my barneys farm lsd s growing great and the chiesel and sharkbreath have sprouted still a few weeks out of being worth for a journal but its going great!

cant wait to seee them flower learnin allot from jsut purely observing!
Thanx bro, as happy as u r i'm way happier lol. But like I said i'm not poppin bottles just yet, i'm still not sure if that is average or not yet. But i'll definitely keep you posted. Maybe even before I got out and spend the money on another fan i'll cut another inlet opposite of the other one and see if that brings it down even more.

Dude I think you should just go ahead and start the journal anyways, it helps so much and it's a very rewarding thing. Plus i just wanna see your cab lol.


Active Member
O I just spoke with my boy who was watching the plants while i was gone and I asked him about the temps when he would look in on the plants and he told me that it was usually 87 degrees!! holler, ima definitely cut another hole hole then, that should drop the temp down even more.


Active Member
Just got all caught up. Lookin good bro. I'm actually workin on my rubbermaid cab atm and they are pretty similar. You gave me a few good ideas bro.

Is it too late to scrog? You could probably rig up some tubes running down through the scrog for watering and such if you're worried about that.

Just a thought though. They're better than i will do for sure, lol.

Thanks for the ideas and the entertainment. Hope you pull down a qp, lol.

Happy Smokin :joint:


Active Member
Thanx bro, as happy as u r i'm way happier lol. But like I said i'm not poppin bottles just yet, i'm still not sure if that is average or not yet. But i'll definitely keep you posted. Maybe even before I got out and spend the money on another fan i'll cut another inlet opposite of the other one and see if that brings it down even more.

Dude I think you should just go ahead and start the journal anyways, it helps so much and it's a very rewarding thing. Plus i just wanna see your cab lol.

yeah i got my grow box temps half as decent all closed running about 80 now but still need to double the lighting so kinda scary to think about

optimal is 70-82

you should loook at the do it your self co2 sections in here and get some that up in there!!! itll compliment your higher temps

and i guess i should be startin one huh
well maybe mid afternoon illl spark some motivation and get on it lol


Well-Known Member
yeah i got my grow box temps half as decent all closed running about 80 now but still need to double the lighting so kinda scary to think about

optimal is 70-82

you should loook at the do it your self co2 sections in here and get some that up in there!!! itll compliment your higher temps

and i guess i should be startin one huh
well maybe mid afternoon illl spark some motivation and get on it lol

Here is some calculations i have done about DIY CO2

its based on my B.S degree in Mechanical Engn

*forgot the link


Active Member
Just got all caught up. Lookin good bro. I'm actually workin on my rubbermaid cab atm and they are pretty similar. You gave me a few good ideas bro.

Is it too late to scrog? You could probably rig up some tubes running down through the scrog for watering and such if you're worried about that.

Just a thought though. They're better than i will do for sure, lol.

Thanks for the ideas and the entertainment. Hope you pull down a qp, lol.

Happy Smokin :joint:
Thanx dude it's crazy feeling hearing about what i'm doing being a help to others with their grow, u should throw up a journal so we can all see what ur doing homie. And I def hope i get a qp!! Lol, though i'm not going to even jinx myself or anything like that. Plus with the organic soil i'm using screwing me over with nute deficiencies i'm just hoping to get something out of it lol