
For anyone interested in jelqing there is also this kelgec or pc exersize that seems to be legit. From what I've read youre just building the muscle that makes your dick jump or stops your pee (also its the muscle that holds your fart in, idk why that's not an example). Anyway, look it up if ur interested.
How the hell did this thread reach 500+ replies? Must be a bunch of self conscious people here:-P

Well there was sex talk, and then catfights, and name calling, and finger pointing, and then the only cock pics any of these weenies would
For anyone interested in jelqing there is also this kelgec or pc exersize that seems to be legit. From what I've read youre just building the muscle that makes your dick jump or stops your pee (also its the muscle that holds your fart in, idk why that's not an example). Anyway, look it up if ur interested.

Dude that`s what we call the jackpot!!!
Now you can tell chickies that your penis is bigger than it used to be but you can hold your farts better ASS well.
Whats not to like? If nothing else it will confuse the fuck out of them for a sec and you can jump on them!