I hope he is getting a new shift key. The amount of improper grammar from him is beginning to wear thin on me.He is busy coming up with a reason putting lithium in the water is good for us.
I hope he is getting a new shift key. The amount of improper grammar from him is beginning to wear thin on me.He is busy coming up with a reason putting lithium in the water is good for us.
Semen is hell on keyboards. I can't criticize Uncle Bucks grammar mine sucks to, but his disrespect to MR Ventura is another matter.I hope he is getting a new shift key. The amount of improper grammar from him is beginning to wear thin on me.
no worries, just get one of your friends to tell you that a nefarious kabal of the global elite are going to control everything and enslave the population, if not eliminate them. have them do this for approximately one hour. play eerie music while displaying disturbing images. this will serve as a worthy substitute for watching ventura's show.
Remember ALL public the media in the states belong to 3 men... three very bad ones at that.
Actually I'm just getting his goat. You might notice that none of the beginning of his sentences are ever capitalized, a grave and improper grammar error if there ever was one. He ridicules many people for misspellings, improper grammar, erroneous use of there, they're and their etc etc.He is walking Irony.Semen is hell on keyboards. I can't criticize Uncle Bucks grammar mine sucks to, but his disrespect to MR Ventura is another matter.