Jesus Should Do A Come Back Tour- He Was Way Cool.


Well-Known Member
it wouldn't take but a few ridiculous coincidences to convince the next millennium, or the millennium after that, that an average person was jesus or a god of some sort. Hell people do it all the time nowadays. I mean how the fuck did julian assange figure out the shit he did? he could be considered a god if we go all geeky and futuristic. But if muslims gain support and try to take over, bin laden was a god, they will make up stories over the next couple hundred years and makes these guys look like supermans bigger stronger smarter older brother.


Well-Known Member
In all reality, it sounds like Jesus was a regular Jewish guy that started smoking weed, possibly shrooms or some ancient form of synthesizing lysergic acid(probably not, more likely the first than later) and had catharsis. He became connected with the universe and spoke in a manner that suggest this great general wisdom. He was probably just an experienced guy who'd seen a lot of death, war, and plague take away thousands, and was at peace with himself, and wanted to share this peace with others.. I've been thinking a lot about religion recently, its really not so far fetched for the most part. We are just trained to be close-minded.