Jesus Was A Socialist!

Cloud City

New Member
You, my friend, are the one who is misinformed.

1. Obama is ending Bush's wars? We are still under attack in Iraq ... and the body bags returning from Afghanistan are increasing.

2. Bush is fixing the economy? The national unemployment rate stands at 10.2. Inflation has already started to take off. The dollar is being devalued at an alarming rate as we speak. What we have in President Obama is another Jimmy Carter ... and for the very same reasons.

3. Bush is reforming health care? Let's see; 2000 pages of undecipherable writings that contain the word "shall" over 3500 times. Call any IRS "customer" service line and see how much time you spend on hold. After that, think about how long its going take you to make a doctor appointment if this so-called health care "reform" is passed.

4. Based upon prior business experience, or even government executive experience, Obama isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand.

5. Contrary to your ridiculous assertions, I don't hate my country, in fact ... I love my country. Actually, I don't even hate the government ... I just don't trust it.

Now with all of that said, its become very apparent by your posts that you really don't have a handle on the history of this country. So ... in the spirit of cooperation, and actually the survival of the country, I'd like to recommend an excellent book to you. My feelings are that anyone under 60 years old, who has been "educated" in our modern, government monopolized school systems should read this book. I sincerely hope you take advantage of the information. Here's a link to the book:

1. We are pulling out of Iraq currently and Afghanistan is next. Give it time, we can't just cut and run after the damage we did and its harder to end wars than it is to start them.

2. The economy is getting better than it was when Bush left it for President Obama to fix. Stock market is rising, construction, tourism, spending, home sales, are all up, the stimulus is working.

3. I am retired USMC, my family and I have enjoyed our government health care with none of the problems you claim. There are some things the government does better than the private sector, health care is one of them.

4. President Obama is a very smart man. I have full confidence in his prior experience and wisdom gained as a Senator from Illinois and in his current experience as the first black President and commander in chief.

5. Sure coulda fooled me on that one. Every post you make is either bashing our country, our President, or our citizens.

As for the rest of your delusional horsepuckey, it is very clear you do not have a handle on reality, let alone politics.


Well-Known Member
See this is where you see the hipocracy on the left.
Obama isn't gonna leave Iraq and he is escalating in Afganistan.
But where are all the war protesters?
They sure gave Bush an ear full.
Where are they now?
Drinking the Obama Kool-Aid.

The Left bitched about the:
Patriot Act
Demestic spying
Military commisions act

All of which is still in effect.
Obamas more worried about passing farsical health-care reform
And Cap and trade
then ending any of that.

So don't give me this line of BS about Obamas doing this and that
He ain't done shit but fuck up from day one.

All its gonna take to beat him in 2012 is say "Jobs" LOL.

Cloud City

New Member
See this is where you see the hipocracy on the left.
Obama isn't gonna leave Iraq and he is escalating in Afganistan.
But where are all the war protesters?
They sure gave Bush an ear full.
Where are they now?
Drinking the Obama Kool-Aid.

The Left bitched about the:
Patriot Act
Demestic spying
Military commisions act

All of which is still in effect.
Obamas more worried about passing farsical health-care reform
And Cap and trade
then ending any of that.

So don't give me this line of BS about Obamas doing this and that
He ain't done shit but fuck up from day one.

All its gonna take to beat him in 2012 is say "Jobs" LOL.

You seem to conveniently neglect the fact that President Obama inherited all of those problems from Bush. Also, I'm a far right conservative. So nice try at categorizing me but close only counts in horse shoes.


New Member
You seem to conveniently neglect the fact that President Obama inherited all of those problems from Bush. Also, I'm a far right conservative. So nice try at categorizing me but close only counts in horse shoes.
Define the term "far right conservative" as it pertains to you. Thanks ...

jeff f

New Member
2. The economy is getting better than it was when Bush left it for President Obama to fix. Stock market is rising, construction, tourism, spending, home sales, are all up, the stimulus is working.

3. I am retired USMC, my family and I have enjoyed our government health care with none of the problems you claim. There are some things the government does better than the private sector, health care is one of them.
2. with exception of the market, do you have any data to back that up? last count housing starts were down 9%. tourism ha mostly closed down, ask las vegas.

3. thanks for your service, 20 years air force. what possible govt hospital can you be talking about being better than private? i used to have to call the hospital 3 days before picking up a prescription. the only govt hosp that was even decent care was andrews in dc. there are a handful over there that are top rate because they are teaching hospitals, lots of civilian docs. of the other 10 or so govt hospitals i used, my vet does better.