Jewish loyalty?

For one thing our blanket approvals of absolutely anything and everything Israel does really could give an Arab a feeling of hate towards those who oppress and those who enable the oppressors. All a reasonable person needs to do is put yourself in their place. Try to imagine your land taken away first off. Then being cornered in two separate and separated areas, fenced or walled in and openly discriminated against. Watching innocent people die when Israel bombs the living hell out of them using aircraft we sold or gave them. Finding out your kid died when the school was “mistakenly” bombed because “intelligence showed militant activity in or near the building previously”. And we never even scold them much less censure (gasp) or penalize somehow in any serious way. So it’s seen as approval. Especially when we send more Hellfire missiles to replace the ones they used.

Anyone not understanding why 9-11 occurred and why it was cheered for the most part in the Muslim world is a pretty shallow thinker.