Jews and Catholics


Well-Known Member
Judaism, and Catholicism are not races. Durptard
Actually it has been proven through genetic maping that the Ashkenazi and then back to the Sephardic lines show Jews to have unique identifiable markers. This makes them both a Religion and a "Race".......just sayin
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Well-Known Member
Actually it has been proven through genetic maping that the Ashkenazi and then back to the Sephardic lines show Jews to have unique identifiable markers. This makes them both a Religion and a "Race".......just sayin
In fairness he said Judaism wasn't a race, and it isn't. Jews are a culture, and one big family if we are to believe their mythology. Gods chosen people, after all.

How could the world possibly grow to resent a people who go around saying that God chose them above all others?

As an atheist I don't share in that prejudice, but it hasn't helped matters that Christian theology preaches that all jews are guilty of driving the nails into Jesus.

Two great monotheistic prophets were examined by the jews. IF.... IF both jesus and mohammad were real, the only people who saw both of them were the Jews. And in both cases they got the best and closest look at him and in both cases they said no, this person is a fake, and is not the awaited messiah. Will they ever be forgiven for this?


Well-Known Member
In fairness he said Judaism wasn't a race, and it isn't. Jews are a culture, and one big family if we are to believe their mythology. Gods chosen people, after all.

How could the world possibly grow to resent a people who go around saying that God chose them above all others?

As an atheist I don't share in that prejudice, but it hasn't helped matters that Christian theology preaches that all jews are guilty of driving the nails into Jesus.

Two great monotheistic prophets were examined by the jews. IF.... IF both jesus and mohammad were real, the only people who saw both of them were the Jews. And in both cases they got the best and closest look at him and in both cases they said no, this person is a fake, and is not the awaited messiah. Will they ever be forgiven for this?

Yes I do understand the distinction made between culture, religion and "race"...especially in relation to Jews....I am one (blood wise that is, im not religious)...and im saying that the very people responsible for mapping the human genome have found evidence that Jews though the Ashkenazim lines ARE in fact a distinct "race" of people (as we so improperly and colloquially refer to the distinction in peoples).

  1. (no longer in technical use) any of the traditional divisions of humankind, the commonest being the Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negro, characterized by supposedly distinctive and universal physical characteristics.
  2. an arbitrary classification of modern humans, sometimes, especially formerly, based on any or a combination of various physical characteristics, as skin color, facial form, or eye shape, and now frequently based on such genetic markers as blood groups.
  3. a socially constructed category of identification based on physical characteristics, ancestry, historical affiliation, or shared culture:
    "Her parents wanted her to marry within her race".
  4. a human population partially isolated reproductively from other populations, whose members share a greater degree of physical and genetic similarity with one another than with other humans.

So while this isn't a point of contention (or even anything worth debate, as its already been empirically proven) I was really just pointing it out for those interested in the new science. I am in no way arguing the underlying point that was made when this was first addressed...just food for thought for those interested. :mrgreen:

As far as the dogmatic stuff....weeeell....i mean what do we expect....
Judaism morphed from polytheistic monolateralism (they believed in several gods, but chose one 'patron god' to primarily worship) This is how the twelve tribes formed and settled on 1 god, being the god of Abraham's tribe since he was the new leader of the newly combined Hebrew peoples. This is why the wording is "You shall have no other gods before me". It means exactly what it says: Yahweh should be 'prioritized' for worship. The book of genesis refers to god as "elohim", the plural of the hebrew word "el" (god, generic). This is why god always looks like he's talking to himself, it's the gods talking amongst themselves. Since then, elohim has taken on a connotation of meaning Yahweh; most modern Jews use them interchangeably in prayers and do not realize why.

The book of Deuteronomy was a forgery ordered by a king in order to convert the surrounding people to his city's patron god (yahweh) for political purposes, this is when the transition from monolateralism to monotheism began to cement.

So really Christianity started much the same way....the first gospels began to pop up some 200-300 years after Jesus and the prophets would have been dead, creating many christian "cults" (although they were considered Jewish cults then). Out of these groups worshiping patron prophets, including not only the gospels we're familiar with (john, luke, etc etc) but also others like the gospel of Magdalene, the gospel of Judas (painting a very different story of the betrayal which makes tons more sense when compared to traditional Jewish history and cultural motifs of the time) etc, etc. Until finally leading to the First Council of Nicaea where these gospels were edited down by Emperor Constantine I for political reasons, in an attempt to stabilize the Byzantine empire.

Mohammad was (in my opinion) not much more then a trade route brigand who was smart enough to use the Jews monotheism as a tool to unite tribes around common goals (sound familiar?) He even tried to convert to Judaism in Medina around 622 before forming Islam. The part that always cracked me up about Islam is that the Koran talks about these things blatantly and only has the 1 version (unlike some others i could mention). They know for fact that their religion was created this way and it still managed to take on "divine beginnings"...

So while I clearly find the history and machinations that drive faith terms of validity or one being "the right" religion (in my opinion) its 6 to 1, half dozen of another and their all complete crap. I look forward to the day we can keep the culture and history and do away with the dogma. We're getting a little old as a species to still believe in ghosts.
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Well-Known Member
Ironical fail. You blew that dick long and hard. Durp is the name I've been calling you and uncle cuck for months.
You two are the durpsquad. "Durp de derp dee doo"

Learn how to read OP durptard. The "Biden rules" clearly stipulate that a lame duck president in final year of office should not have a supreme court nominee approved by the Senate. Period, end of story. Uncle Joe said no. Not gonna happen
The Biden rules? You mean the nonexistent made up rules that Senator Chuck Grassley made up in reference to Biden saying that the Senate has to seriously consider a SCOTUS nominee after the November elections? Or how Joe Biden presided over the hearings for Court Justice Anthony Kennedy in 1988 before the November elections? And how Joe Biden said that he'd support a compromise moderate, and then even the fact that no vacancy arose in 1992 during the very last year of George H.W. Bush's Presidency meaning that the Vice President's remarks are largely hypothetical?

That word might be too big for you so: of, based on, or serving as a hypothesis. The definition of a hypothesis being: a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. Also a supposition is an uncertain belief.

So the Joe Biden rule? Doesn't exist, just a made up thing.


Well-Known Member
The Biden rules? You mean the nonexistent made up rules that Senator Chuck Grassley made up in reference to Biden saying that the Senate has to seriously consider a SCOTUS nominee after the November elections? Or how Joe Biden presided over the hearings for Court Justice Anthony Kennedy in 1988 before the November elections? And how Joe Biden said that he'd support a compromise moderate, and then even the fact that no vacancy arose in 1992 during the very last year of George H.W. Bush's Presidency meaning that the Vice President's remarks are largely hypothetical?

That word might be too big for you so: of, based on, or serving as a hypothesis. The definition of a hypothesis being: a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. Also a supposition is an uncertain belief.

So the Joe Biden rule? Doesn't exist, just a made up thing.
Nice end point for a religiously themed thread :bigjoint:

P.S. Not that we should start jerking each other off quite yet...but I was your 3000 like just now:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Your real concern should be with the fact that it seems to be a requirement that you have to have attended either Harvard or Yale. At least that's the problem that I have.
you are so soon as i heard the name merrick garland, i said to myself yale or harvard what a surprise.

he should have went with the muslim guy..sri lanka.


Well-Known Member
In fairness he said Judaism wasn't a race, and it isn't. Jews are a culture, and one big family if we are to believe their mythology. Gods chosen people, after all.

How could the world possibly grow to resent a people who go around saying that God chose them above all others?

As an atheist I don't share in that prejudice, but it hasn't helped matters that Christian theology preaches that all jews are guilty of driving the nails into Jesus.

Two great monotheistic prophets were examined by the jews. IF.... IF both jesus and mohammad were real, the only people who saw both of them were the Jews. And in both cases they got the best and closest look at him and in both cases they said no, this person is a fake, and is not the awaited messiah. Will they ever be forgiven for this?
you already started this thread, bignbushy.

Despite very low proportion of population, three justices are Jews.

The remaining six are at least nominally Catholic.


Well-Known Member
you already started this thread, bignbushy.
Lol... took you longer than I thought.

You're not the only one that can use a search feature. The other day you called me smokeydan for the first time so I searched him. He didn't start too many threads and one about jews and catholics seemed relevant to today.

Played you like a fiddle.

Keep up the good work. Detective.


Well-Known Member
Lol... took you longer than I thought.

You're not the only one that can use a search feature. The other day you called me smokeydan for the first time so I searched him. He didn't start too many threads and one about jews and catholics seemed relevant to today.

Played you like a fiddle.

Keep up the good work. Detective.
bignbushy is smokey dan. and you are both of them.

i made an earlier comment about how you suck dick for heroin when you are not busy stealing from your own parents, but it got deleted.


Well-Known Member
@ThickStemz "As an atheist I don't share in that prejudice, but it hasn't helped matters that Christian theology preaches that all jews are guilty of driving the nails into Jesus."

Where the fuck do you get this idiot shit from? Bro you are no exegete. Youve shown over and over that you are not educated, cultured or even in possession of a baseline intellect. You have no idea wtf you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
@ThickStemz "As an atheist I don't share in that prejudice, but it hasn't helped matters that Christian theology preaches that all jews are guilty of driving the nails into Jesus."

Where the fuck do you get this idiot shit from? Bro you are no exegete. Youve shown over and over that you are not educated, cultured or even in possession of a baseline intellect. You have no idea wtf you are talking about.
I'd like to remind you what we were talking about there. The belief by christians that held all jews responsible for the murder of jeuses.

Are you saying this isn't true? That this is not a christian doctrine?

Have you never heard of Vatican I I?


Well-Known Member
"christian doctrine" ? you dont even have the fucking vocabulary. Vatican II deals with Catholic doctrine. You are so badly out of your league I cant believe you raise any topics at all.

Have you had any formal education?


Well-Known Member
"christian doctrine" ? you dont even have the fucking vocabulary. Vatican II deals with Catholic doctrine. You are so badly out of your league I cant believe you raise any topics at all.

Have you had any formal education?
Youre retarted. Any christian can get away with any crazy belief becuase there are so many sects.

No, this particular belief isn't common in the United States. But in Europe and the East it was a common belief. Educate yourself fool.

Jewish deicide is a long-held common belief in Christianity that laid the responsibility for the death of Jesuson the Jewish people as a whole.[1] Theethnoreligiousslur "Christ-killer" used as the rallying cry of mobs intent on violence against their Jewish neighbours contributed to the effectiveness of many centuries of pogroms, the Crusaders' decimation of Jews, theInquisition, and the Holocaust.[2]"

I love it when idiots think I'm stupid becuase I know things they've never heard of...

I mentioned Vatican II becuase it wasn't until then that the Catholic Church officially said that all jews were not guilty of killing jesus.

How much do you think this christian belief helped the holocaust?


Well-Known Member
Youre retarted. Any christian can get away with any crazy belief becuase there are so many sects.

No, this particular belief isn't common in the United States. But in Europe and the East it was a common belief. Educate yourself fool.

Jewish deicide is a long-held common belief in Christianity that laid the responsibility for the death of Jesuson the Jewish people as a whole.[1] Theethnoreligiousslur "Christ-killer" used as the rallying cry of mobs intent on violence against their Jewish neighbours contributed to the effectiveness of many centuries of pogroms, the Crusaders' decimation of Jews, theInquisition, and the Holocaust.[2]"

I love it when idiots think I'm stupid becuase I know things they've never heard of...

I mentioned Vatican II becuase it wasn't until then that the Catholic Church officially said that all jews were not guilty of killing jesus.

How much do you think this christian belief helped the holocaust?
Bro you're a moron and pathetically unqualified to discuss these matters. Youre conducting an intellectually challenged, middle school level session of babbling. You have absolutely zero clue and the shit above is pretty much indecipherable nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Bro you're a moron and pathetically unqualified to discuss these matters. Youre conducting an intellectually challenged, middle school level session of babbling. You have absolutely zero clue and the shit above is pretty much indecipherable nonsense.
Then educate me.

Where am I wrong? I do not intentionally thing things that are untrue. You seem to be unable to do anything beyond calling me a moron. That's fine. But you can't even seem to be able to read plain English. There clearly exists a traditional Christian teaching that all Jews are responsible for the act of killing Jesus. So far I have even shown you evidence of this. What's more Ive even read Christopher Hitchens discuss this very topic, citing it as an ostensible cause for the anti-Semitism that lead to the holocaust in Europe. I may be a fool, but Christopher Hitchens was not.