jhod58vw 600hps/mh indoor spring run

Whats up guys?? Sorry just needing to vent a bit. I vented lasted last time on facebook and was like World War 3. Shit I Love my girl to death. Nice not having all the bullshit. But crap really. I work all day. Come home and who does the laundry, the dishes, takes care of the animals, the garden, the vehicles etc me. Because I get tired of seeing it. Why should I be the one that makes the money to pay our bills, gas, food, etc and get little help? She does do things not like she don't. But I do way more of my share. I even tried just letting shit sit around. I hurt her feeling when I complained on facebook. Hurts my feelings that I have to complain on here. Shit her sister told me break up with her sister & hire a slave. I really don't have people to talk to. My family don't want to hear it. I was the one that did everything when I was married for almost 10 yrs. As my wife at the time was screwing around. All she says is she has homework. Shit what about me. Sorry guys don't want to ramble anymore.
Shoot man. I think the only reason its like that is because you let it. She know's that you will take care of everything. Why should she have to put a ton of effort in if you're already doing it.

Not that I really know your situation. But, I've had friends in the same position as you.
Tell her look get off ur ass and do something but honestly I.would sit.down with her express urself to her how u feel and what u would like or have u done that ....but like.adower dnt really know the.situation
The funny thing is that if you are patient about it,
then when she finally comes around, she will suggest
it as if it were her idea. My wife does this all the time.

Keep the shiny side up till it gets better bro.

facebook is the devil anyways Jh. i cut it out and had 90% less drama and way much more time. hope things work out either way for you man. try n sweat the big things fella.
Thanks guys much appreciated was a busy day. Some times I just need to let it out. Love my girl to death. She changed my life for the better in many ways. Oh Don yeah I don't post much on facebook anymore. Like you said too much drama.
Well anyways new subject. Going to start flushing the girls. Things are starting to change. Which I am finally on the home stretch. Hopefully be smoking on my shit by end to beginning of next month.
Well anyways new subject. Going to start flushing the girls. Things are starting to change. Which I am finally on the home stretch. Hopefully be smoking on my shit by end to beginning of next month.

Shit same here flushin this week always nice to have ur own dank much more rewarding smokin on it
Well anyways new subject. Going to start flushing the girls. Things are starting to change. Which I am finally on the home stretch. Hopefully be smoking on my shit by end to beginning of next month.

Nice!!! I got 3 weeks to go. Ill hit ya up when mnes done!
Well anyways new subject. Going to start flushing the girls. Things are starting to change. Which I am finally on the home stretch. Hopefully be smoking on my shit by end to beginning of next month.

Very nice.. Im starting to flush as well i already have my sister telling me lets cut this bud right here or this one over here come on just one lil one im like nah get out of here lol be patient its worth it...

Sometimes us guys need to vent due to us not wanting to be emotional so we let it all build up and then bam it all comes spilling out all at once lol Keep your head up bro.