jiffy cloning in hydroponic


Hi everybody, this is daniel from italy and i'm on my first grow.

I'm cloning with jiffy following this thread


All is going fine but i was wondering if i could transplant them in grodan in a ebb and flow hydroponic system (searched the forum without any result). In the beginning i didn't realize i had to mix soil with grodan... :wall:

If it's possible do i need to take any precautions, or start all over again?

Posting a pic... /Users/Shared/pics/Camera Roll 7.jpg


P.S Still don't know if the mother plants are ladies....


Well-Known Member
jiffy peat pellets can be transplanted directly into any medium without any worries. you might want to get them into the rockwool blocks before the roots pop out the sides, otherwise i can see you having a hard time planting them into the rockwool cubes without destroying the early root growth. but there will be no problem running an ebb and flow with jiffy pellets inside of rockwoll cubes.


jiffy peat pellets can be transplanted directly into any medium without any worries. you might want to get them into the rockwool blocks before the roots pop out the sides, otherwise i can see you having a hard time planting them into the rockwool cubes without destroying the early root growth. but there will be no problem running an ebb and flow with jiffy pellets inside of rockwoll cubes.
Thank's, as i only have one water tank for mothers and clones, shall I stick with usual irrigation (3 times a day) and reduce nukes to half? If I add some nuke for roots growth, do you think the mothers will suffer?


Well-Known Member
when you first cut clones and use jiffy pellets they should be in a humidity tight chamber. this can even be a semi transperent old plastic container, but it must keep in the moisture. apart from that they just need to be soaked when u first put the clones in, after that just mist the clones under the humidity domes with a mister and the pellets will stay wet enough. i wouldnt nute until roots are at least an inch long out of the pellets, or until u see new growth on the clones grow tips. Nitrogen before that stage just slows root development. If u have them in the rockwool then i would wet the bottom of thw rockwool, but dont wet the pellet at all. the moisture will wick up into it as long as you have it under a humidity dome.