Jiffy pellet to solo cup watering

I'm currently growing blueberry and I went from a jiffy pellet after seeing the roots stick out to a solo cup. My first set of true leaves are starting to appear.

In my solocup i got promix bx mixed with 25 percent sheep manure

I was wondering during this specific phase how much water do some people give. Theres alot of literature about when the 3rd sets 4th sets etc... are in but none specifically about the birth of the sprout when first set is growing.

I'm using RO water and I normally put 1 shot glass of water near the stem and then spritz the rest of the top of the solo cup. Then during the evening I give it another spritz on the top not giving it a shot glass of water near the stem.

Do people water near stem or away from stem? I killed 2 seedlings last year and survived one only because it was left outside and started growing beyond 4th set leaves. Last year I kept putting water til I saw run off in seedling stage which seems to be a no no.

This year I'm trying to keep the promix on the dry side yet lightly watered.

So far when the first true leaves showed up I had dark purple leafs they seem to be changing dark green with a tinge of purple but their very young 6 days old.

I know this question maybe asked 1 million times but I'm pretty sure I looked at 1 million post by now and I can only see lots of details during post 1st 2nd week of a grow..

Some people say to just mist top of soil only some say just drop a water pellet on the leafs some say they water the cup til run off.

When I grow tomatoes in a solo cup I can water that thing real good and they survive their initial grow.

P.s. last year I used stupid MG products this year I'm using jiffy pellets then into promix bx with sheep manure. I could of had a major note burn due to seedling dying but I just want to see what people do during the very very early days of seedling.


Well-Known Member
I do the same thing, jiffy pellet to solo cup. I usually water it good, a few ounces, then leave it for a few days. As long as it's not 100 degrees in there you should be good for four to five days. You don't want to keep the surface too wet or the seedling could dampen off and die.
I do the same thing, jiffy pellet to solo cup. I usually water it good, a few ounces, then leave it for a few days. As long as it's not 100 degrees in there you should be good for four to five days. You don't want to keep the surface too wet or the seedling could dampen off and die.
So if I'm doing one shot glass a day and spritzing it then i am over watering the seedling right? After doing one shot glass I should leave it for a few days


Well-Known Member
Give it about three shot glasses, don't spritz any more, and leave it for four to five days.
Give it about three shot glasses, don't spritz any more, and leave it for four to five days.
One of my seedlings roots have started to show at the top of solo cup it barely has first set of true leaves growth it's impossible its root bound I potentially wasnt giving enough water but I did give the 3 shotglass of water only no nutes.. havent watered since


Well-Known Member
i do the exact same thing with seeds, dont forget to take the film off the peat pellet befor transfering to the solo cup. if it is the actual "solo cup" brand i just fill another solo cup with water up to the first line and i give each one that much water.
i do the exact same thing with seeds, dont forget to take the film off the peat pellet befor transfering to the solo cup. if it is the actual "solo cup" brand i just fill another solo cup with water up to the first line and i give each one that much water.
I RIP the nets off soon I see the little sprout come out of the pellet I know from that point roots go coocoo for cocopuffs or in this case search for water.

I had some zuccinis die in pellets with the net on got root bounded within the net itself dodnt want to poke out.

I didnt take any chances contrary to people saying they poke through the net. I ended up putting some new soil on top of my roots I saw but didnt water still since last water

They are solo cups you buy for beer or party cups brand I do have a Pentagon of holes made below them.

I'll probably nute them 5% strength on the next 2nd water schedule just to get nitrogen kicking... but I think my roots are exploding yet my plants are growing slowly but are very healthy green.. still waiting for 2nd set of true leaves to really show themselves good.
I transferred to jiffy pots to see if the root was bounded and it wasnt. This is where I'm at, the middle plant seed cracked early am aug 3rd, the one nearest the door to left cracked later aug 3rd while the upper left cracked aug 4th Am

I think there doing well given 2 are 5 days old while the one is 4 days old. And yes I got a trileaf


Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
I use a similar pellet for mine.
I soak my pellet put a seed into the wet pellet
Put it onna window sill or top of the fridge.

I don't water again until I have a sprout
Then i just give it PhD water .
I fill my pellet cup to near the top it runs thru then is absorbed back thru the bottom.
Its just a sprout \ seedling
It doesnt need much water.
The root goes down searching for water
If your soil stays moist your rootsdont have to search
I just always thought was better to let them get kinda thirsty before watering.
A week in the pellet one watering
Then I just drop the plug into my solo
Do the same
I just water till I see some at the bottom.
I use the clear cups inside a red cup
It helps to actually see the soilabsorb the water so i know when its all went not sopping wet.
This gives them water and food bit makes themkeepsearching for more
Till they go into the 3 gal
That's when my problems usually start
I was watering a small plant inna large container and over watering because my roots didnt go anywhere near the bottom of the pot.... So why am i watering till runoff..... I stopped and just started smaller doses
Like that has to have gotten to the roots.
I mess mine up
Maybe some of my ramble helps? Could be a nugget of useful info in this mess
Good luck they look good
I use a similar pellet for mine.
I soak my pellet put a seed into the wet pellet
Put it onna window sill or top of the fridge.

I don't water again until I have a sprout
Then i just give it PhD water .
I fill my pellet cup to near the top it runs thru then is absorbed back thru the bottom.
Its just a sprout \ seedling
It doesnt need much water.
The root goes down searching for water
If your soil stays moist your rootsdont have to search
I just always thought was better to let them get kinda thirsty before watering.
A week in the pellet one watering
Then I just drop the plug into my solo
Do the same
I just water till I see some at the bottom.
I use the clear cups inside a red cup
It helps to actually see the soilabsorb the water so i know when its all went not sopping wet.
This gives them water and food bit makes themkeepsearching for more
Till they go into the 3 gal
That's when my problems usually start
I was watering a small plant inna large container and over watering because my roots didnt go anywhere near the bottom of the pot.... So why am i watering till runoff..... I stopped and just started smaller doses
Like that has to have gotten to the roots.
I mess mine up
Maybe some of my ramble helps? Could be a nugget of useful info in this mess
Good luck they look good
Once I can get the third or 4th set of leaves I should be fine. Hopefully she grows a little more tonight
Watered 4 day,

The baby of them is growing funny a little shriveled at the ends.. but is showing 2nd leaves.

The main one I can't ask for better.

The middle one seems to be yellowing I do have my LEDs at 30 inches like recommended. But it's also the trileaf and also I think was the one that had roots popping out of solo before going to a jiffy pot


I like when the plants perk up it's like us when we're happy were all perked up the yellowing seemed to have disappeared hours after watering shes very perky on all 3