Jiffy Pots + Miracle Grow Soil, Thoughts?


Active Member
Hello all,

I started my first grow a within the last two weeks and things seem to be going nicely.

Currently i have miracle grow potting soil in a mid sized jiffy pot. The pots came in packages without pellets etc, just a pot that supposedly can be transplanted right into a bigger permanent pot.

The seeds are growing nicely and everything is good so far, but i've seen mixed opinions about whether the roots will actually bust through, if the ph is messed by the jiffy pot, or if they will work at all.

I've proved they work for the first weeks of the plant, but im wondering if anyone has any first hand expeirence with the transplant. Did you just transplant the whole pot? Did you wet it from the outside to soften? or cut it away early and transplant the plug of soil? Any input is appreciated,

heres what i've got so far



Well-Known Member
those looked really strecthed, you need to move the light closer, you shouldnt have to wire them up. but take the jiffy pot off before u transplant, with seeds i do it right after they pop out and clones when the roots come out the bottom. the jiffy pots are really easy to rip off when wet


Well-Known Member
They are a little stretched. do what pacman said and lower your light as close as you can without burning them. --test heat with the back of your hand-- I do not take off the jiffy cup and they have done just fine rooting right through the cup (this is on upwards of 50+ plants at this point). They make transplanting extremely easy.


Well-Known Member
i've kept them in the pots too and i think the roots spred a little quicker if u take the pots off (they rip right off when wet) but it works both ways like guy said


Well-Known Member
i've kept them in the pots too and i think the roots spred a little quicker if u take the pots off (they rip right off when wet) but it works both ways like guy said

It is important to keep the soil pretty wet for a few days if you leave them on. The pete breaks down quick when wet for prolonged periods.


Well-Known Member
The roots will burst out of the Jiffies. Miricale Grow Soil usually has fungus nats get some Diatomaceous Earth it is crushed shells from the bottom of the sea. It's like fine glass powder all natural and all deadly to pests.



Active Member
Thanks all, glad to know the Jiffies are safe.

As for these fungus nats, i just sprinkle this diatomaceous earth over the surface? or when i transplant do i mix it in with the miracle grow soil? Also it says miracle grow is part perilite, but would it worth mixing in some more perilite for good measure?

And about the stretch. The twist ties aren't like wiring up the stalks, i used it to make circular guards, so when the fans on they bounce around and get stronger but don't bend far enough to get real stressed. In terms of lighting its still a pretty sketch setup, three CFL's triangluated around that group of pots, and a 300watt halogen about 2 ft above it all. Im getting some big ass CFL flood lights asap and replacing the halogen till i get my HPS. But since they already stretched, is there anything i can do to help "Re-Bush" them. I do plan on LST'ing, hopefully in a circular upward spiral.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, glad to know the Jiffies are safe.

As for these fungus nats, i just sprinkle this diatomaceous earth over the surface? or when i transplant do i mix it in with the miracle grow soil? Also it says miracle grow is part perilite, but would it worth mixing in some more perilite for good measure?

And about the stretch. The twist ties aren't like wiring up the stalks, i used it to make circular guards, so when the fans on they bounce around and get stronger but don't bend far enough to get real stressed. In terms of lighting its still a pretty sketch setup, three CFL's triangluated around that group of pots, and a 300watt halogen about 2 ft above it all. Im getting some big ass CFL flood lights asap and replacing the halogen till i get my HPS. But since they already stretched, is there anything i can do to help "Re-Bush" them. I do plan on LST'ing, hopefully in a circular upward spiral.

Just get rid of that Halogen. It does nothing but add heat. More CFL and closer will do great. I veg under 4 4' tubes of t-8 and flower under a 400w hps. Keeping the lights farther away will stretch you plant, lights closer helps it get busy. You can use this info to control the shape of your plant. LST will help make them short and bushy as well.


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm not a big fan of them either. One came with my tomato plant I feel it was stunted for a few weeks it is only now that I am seeing faster growth!


Well-Known Member
I read that the jiffy pots have some sort of glue or binder to hold them together when wet, and that it's not always good for the plant, probably different from brand to brand. IDK.....as for mir. gro there's more negative opinions than positive, but stay away from soil that are mixed with nutes.....You feed them.