Hey jigfresh and everyone else here
After thinking about my post jig, I'll post my question first so I can spare others from reading through the other stuff! I'm a complete beginner here, so forgive me if my question's stupid. But, following all your vertical grow journals I'm deeply confused! They look absolutely stunning (of course!) but doesn't scrog take advantage of the fact that plants want to find the 'sun' (i.e. grow upwards towards the light)? I saw your video of your skeleton (first grow I think it was) and it looked like awesome colas and little else. If the plant's trying to find the light I can see how it works bending it over to train more main shoots upwards, but if the light's coming from the side I can't follow (unless it's gravity encouraging the plant up, and you're training it off to alternate sides all the time as it grows, but your journal doesn't mention doing that?)
That skeleton was incredible, I'd love to know how you did it.
I just signed up today, and wouldn't have posted anything at all as a newbie, but jigfresh I've read every single post you've ever written on here today (led to the forum in the first place by your vids on Youtube). It's been absolutely compulsive reading, but not only that your interest and care for others, even the people who've never posted before, have been deeply encouraging and welcoming, and quite honestly an inspiration. I have much respect for your view of the world and everyone else living here on this incredibly precious planet of ours, all power to you fella. Deeply meant.
Like I say I've read everything, enjoyed all the pics (amazing!!!!) and what you've shared here. I'm a forum veteran for all sorts of other things, and don't doubt whatsoever that for every one like me who bothers to join and post just to tell you, you've touched and helped another ten or twenty (just see babyhughie's last post and look at his crop!)
You're a great writer too, I couldn't stop reading once I started following along with your journey. I think I read a while back (so much to take in the last few days!) that you were interested in writing professionally? If I've got that right, go for it - you've got what it takes for sure, to my mind.
Anyway, I've been researching heavily the last week or so. Smoked about a half oz of hash in the last couple of years, and I need to start smoking again. I won't really touch on what you wrote on another thread about alcohol, but drinking too much has been a problem for me throughout my life.
Right now I'd still like some chemical support, but am ready to kick the booze into touch, and return to the beautiful bud, which instead of destroying stuff (my body, my creativity, my relationships) nurtures it all! I have serious medical problems and no doubt if I was in the US where it applies I'd get mmj (is that the right acronym?) in five minutes flat from a sympathetic doctor. The problem is I can't really get it at all here in the UK right now.
I'm going on, sorry. You just already made me feel really welcome here because of a lot of your other posts to new members, and general attitude to people. You also posted that you felt it made some of your efforts worthwhile to hear how you've inspired others, so I wanted my first post here of (hopefully a long and symbiotic relationship with the forum!) to be on your thread.
All the best, and I'm thoroughly looking forward to (hopefully) hearing how everything goes