The plants have Blown Up. For once, I can finally tell a difference. I opened the door today and they were reaching up at me, (more light daddy, more food). Since the girls are so happy I lowered the light another 2 links. I am also going to give them some more nutes today. Not too much. The DM Website suggest 800 ppm for the first week. I'm at 400 and thinking of going up to 600 or so.
drynroasty said:
you're starting to sound like Al B. talking about you killing yourself with your heater ducting.

I was in school longer than you have been, I know how to pay attention. I got a log, make entries 5-6 times a day. I write down everything except opening the door and misting them. Plus I got so many pictures, it's sick. But really, I do appreciate the help, and pretty much do whatever you suggest right away. Keep it coming.
Speaking of advice, can you tell me about topping. What I mean is: I am going to top some if not all of my plants, do you think I should let one or two grow natural to see the difference, or is there no point? I don't know if, with the screen, topping is pretty much always a good idea. (not like there is right or wrong)
It is really nuts to see these plants/ roots growing so quickly. I mean I've been reading for a couple months about how much they grow, but to see it with my own eyes is just crazy. I swear you can practically see them growing just looking at them.
Seriously technology is just nuts. Amazing.
The 2 roots pics are taken 10 hours apart. Can anyone tell a difference?