Jigfresh's Grow #1 DIY Closet DWC Scrog - Hindu Skunk & White Widow - First grow ever


Well-Known Member
hey man just was wondering what time did you take that pic ?? dont be tempted to open the door in the dark period might stress them and turn to hermies.....
HAHAHA, damn hulk. You caught me.

No, what I was doing, I was tucking stuff under the screen the last hour of light, and the thing switched off on me. I wanted to take pics, so I just flashed a couple and closed the door.

Thanks for watching out bro.

Unrelated, I did some calculating last night, and if I can by some miracle pull 1.0 gram/ watt I will end up with almost a pound and a half.

Are we gonna trade stashes? I bet we both get tired of our strains, but then again, you have like 5.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Been thinking about throwing two bulbs into my flower room since i have a 250 mh just sitting on my shelf........so i was thinking of hooking my room up with two lights like you did ...... more light better nugs.....so what i am getting at i was wondering you did hook that light up to a ballast right i believe i read that ...... so you wired it to a ballast or does your ballast have a plug ..... i thought i could just hard wire the light to a plug but a believe a 250mh would be to much for just a plug without a ballast..........and another question are you running your whole setup off just one plug with a power strip ??

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Unrelated, I did some calculating last night, and if I can by some miracle pull 1.0 gram/ watt I will end up with almost a pound and a half.

Are we gonna trade stashes? I bet we both get tired of our strains, but then again, you have like 5.
Dam man if you can get that out of your setup your going to be so freaking happy fuk i would hahaha that would last me about 9 months hahahaha almost a year ..... very nice .... cant wait to see if i get good enough nugs so i might be able to sell to a clinic..... not sure what there going rate is thoe.........if they charge 15- 20 a gram they might buy it for only 5 - 10 a gram but i am not sure still gotta do more look into that..........trade nugs i am down,

that sucks just watching the news someones grow is gone in santa ana, i hate seeing that shit


Active Member
Hey Jigfresh - stopping by to check on the grow. Plants look great, but I'm worried about your elevated temps and humidity. I was trying to figure out why the temps are so high. I think maybe it's because the way you have your lights vented. It looks like to me you have the fan blowing through one cooltube then it makes that 180 degree turn and blows through the second cooltube. I am guessing you are losing a ton of cfm around that turn. If you don't have the clearance to put the lights in a straight line with each other, maybe you could try to rig up a "Y" joint on either side so that the air flow doesn't get that huge restriction with the 180 degree u-turn. Just a thought.

As for the dehumidifier, I am very puzzled by this. The humidifier will definitely add heat to the room when it is running, but why it hasn't pulled any moisture out of the air is a mystery to me. Something is not right. You might also try adding another ocillating fan in there to try and get more air movement...that might help.


Active Member
Been thinking about throwing two bulbs into my flower room since i have a 250 mh just sitting on my shelf........so i was thinking of hooking my room up with two lights like you did ...... more light better nugs.....so what i am getting at i was wondering you did hook that light up to a ballast right i believe i read that ...... so you wired it to a ballast or does your ballast have a plug ..... i thought i could just hard wire the light to a plug but a believe a 250mh would be to much for just a plug without a ballast..........and another question are you running your whole setup off just one plug with a power strip ??
Hey Hulk Nugs- I don't think you can plug your 250mh into a wall socket...I am pretty sure you will need a ballast for it. You might fry something if you try.


Well-Known Member
.....so what i am getting at i was wondering you did hook that light up to a ballast right i believe i read that ...... so you wired it to a ballast or does your ballast have a plug .....
I did have a ballast. I bought it at plantlightinghydroponics.com LINK TO BALLAST PAGE. It was only $50, but you have to wire it all. It comes like a big heavy magnet, a bunch of wires, with a capacitor and ignitor attached. You need an extension cord that you cut and attach to the ballast. You also need to get a socket that has two wires sticking out, you wire those to the ballast as well. Lot's of wires.

And yeah, as long is there no heat problems and there is no issues about the lights being too close, then yeah, more light the better. Just a higher electricity bill.

..........and another question are you running your whole setup off just one plug with a power strip ??
I know you didn't want to know all this, but it is a good excuse to document it all.

The electrical is sorta ghetto, but I trust it.

My whole bedroom/ bathroom/ closet are running off one 30 A circuit breaker. There is a 40 foot run with 12 gauge wire from the breaker panel to a junction box where the circuit is broken into 4 branches. On the circuit there are 7 outlets, 5 lights w/ switches. On the branch the closet is on there is only 1 outlet and 2 switched lights. When redoing the outlet in the closet I disconnected the two lights on the closet branch.

So... in the closet there is only 1 outlet, only connected to eveything else at the junction box. The outlet is a regular two space GFCI (15 A). One of the plugs runs the timer, the other plug runs everything else.

So... out of the one plu in that outlet I have an 8 foot extension cord with a 3 way splitter built in. On that extension cord I have the heavy duty (15 A) timer plugged in to one of the three plugs. The other two are unused (i plan to use one to power the dehumidifier 24 hours). Plugged into the timer is another 3-way splitter. Into this splitter is plugged in my 400w HPS ballast, 250w MH ballast, and my fan controller (into which my 465 cfm fan is plugged).

The other plug of the closet outlet has a power strip plugged into it. That power strip has plugged in my pH meter, my 2 airpumps, and a 3 way splitter. The splitter plugged into the power strip powers 2 fans and an 8 foot extension cord with a 3 way splitter built in. This extension cord powers the ventilation fan and my water pump (for when I do reservoir changes).

That was totally clear, right? I'll take pictures, and you can ask me about things in detail too, if you have any more questions.

hulknugs said:
not sure what there going rate is thoe.
I don't know either (info comes hard, everyone doesn't want to talk about it). What I have gathered is that the shops don't like to buy less than a pound, and I think they pay around $3,000 to $3,500 for a pound. I don't even know that for sure, but that's what I hear.

hulknugs said:
........trade nugs i am down,
I think it would be cool. As long as you like my stuff.

You going fishing again any time soon?


Well-Known Member
I'm worried about your elevated temps and humidity.
Thanks for the help. I've been thinking many things you mention, I just haven't said them out loud.

I don't remember saying my temps were too high. If I did, I didn't mean it. Everything is staying pretty cool. I leave the door cracked when the lights are on and the temp stays below 80 f.

...It looks like to me you have the fan blowing through one cooltube then it makes that 180 degree turn and blows through the second cooltube. I am guessing you are losing a ton of cfm around that turn.
You are correct in that it blows on one bulb, around a very sharp 180 then over the other. I realized when designing this was not efficient at all, but figured it was the best for what I was doing and needed, also something pretty easily corrected later if I needed to.

I am planning on doing things to lessen the strain on the fan, but the 180 is the last thing to go. First off, the cap outside my roof is blocking alot of airflow, I need to get something less restrictive. But before I do that, I need to increase the size of the outlet pipe going though my roof. It is only 3 inch diameter while the rest of the venting is 4 inches. I plan on shortening the flexible venting to make it strait as opposed to all curvy like it is now. Also, I am using a peice of cloth for an inlet filter for the air, I beleive that takes a lot out.

My fan is 6 inch diameter, and I'd like to open the inlet vents to be 6 inches as well. I think that would make a huge difference, letting the fan draw cool air much easier before pushing it through the enclosure.

As of this moment I beleive the light could get within 5 inches of the plant tops, and I don't really want that because it would put the side shoots in a shadow.

As for the dehumidifier, I am very puzzled by this. The humidifier will definitely add heat to the room when it is running, but why it hasn't pulled any moisture out of the air is a mystery to me. Something is not right.
Honestly, I'm pretty sure it was the design of the mini dehumidifier I got. The basic design was a tiny tiny fan maybe 15 cfm pulling air over a metal finned heat sink. The heat sink was supposed to get cool enough to build up condensation and let it drip into the tank. I think there was to much airflow in the closet to let the condensation build up. But that doesn't really make sense becuase I had it way up with the ballasts overnight, with no airflow up there, but maybe the humidity doesn't make it up there either.

Now I'm worried about ordering one from Ebay, because it might not work either. I think what I will do is go to Home Depot and get an expensive one, try it, see if it works and return it. If it worked I'll order one for half the price on ebay.

You might also try adding another ocillating fan in there to try and get more air movement...that might help.
Another fan is on my wish list. I think the two fans will be good for underneath the canopy, but I will need some airflow hitting the buds.

Thanks for stopping by bro.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
F1 ?? whats that

right on man thanks for the info .... i was looking into those build your own ballast kits ..... still trying to find a cheap one already put together..... its not something i need right away and its just more money i would spend .... so i am going to look for some good deals .... then if i cant find anything i will get a kit........

dam for being new to the electrical and all you sure do sound like you know what your talking about ..... everything you said was very clear, i wasn't sure how many ballast i could hook up to a power strip or to a socket but now i do..... in my veg room i am going to run its own 15 amp breaker to its own plug, i know that's allot more then i need but right now i just tapped into my power in the bath room and i am right at the limit of a overload..... i used to plug my heater in and that would blow the breaker but with out one more thing plugged in a seam to be fine but i can see the light flicker not good at all and the fan motor you can hear changes so i will just fix that problem after harvest

I want to try and get around a pound saved up then see if any clinics would be interested...... i just think with my card i can have that much on me at once plus my own stash...... i remember my doctor said that i can only have so many plants but if i wanted to grow more he would have to do something different to my paper work .... but i am guessing that means more money

fishing when ever i get a chance ..... i am going to try this week when my girl has a day off ..... do you go fishing ?.... i normally do stream but i am trying do more lake since that's whats around me, there are probably some good streams up by you just not sure if they get stocked or not and where they are haha ...... i think homegrown fresh nugs are good cant go wrong, going to be crazy to see all are harvest spread out before us like i have seen in pics back then never thought i would have that much, if i do everything write its just a matter of time.


Well-Known Member
So, I guess we can't edit posts like we could for the past couple weeks. We'll try this update again.

There really isn't too much to say about today. The plants are happy. The branch I broke the other day, it is still going strong.

I removed a few more tiny pieces of growth I missed before. I tucked some fan leaves down. Other than that I didn't do too much. Things are getting settled and not growing a ton, so things are getting a little less hectic. There are so many flowers it's crazy.

I think one thing I'm going to do is switch lights every 2 weeks. I mean positions. So I'll put the 400w hps on the left and the 250mh on the right. You can totally see the growth difference on both side, with the extra light and all.

Another exciting development: my wife liked the idea of using some funds from the harvest to build an extra cab to flower in. I'm thinking 1'x3'x4' or something. The way this grow is going, I guess I could easily grow 4 plants in my closet and still fill the screen in 4 weeks of veg. That legally leaves me 2 plants to flower in the extra cab. I'm thinking a 400w for that small space. We'll get into planning later. I'm also planning on building another room onto the house (no not for growing). Anyways, I'm sorta busy planning that before I can plan the next project. Maybe I'll try a different hydro style. Diversify my portfolio.

Temps: 72-80 (day) 63-70 (night)
water temp: ~65
ppm: ~1750
pH: 5.82

pics are a couple posts back.


Well-Known Member
F1 ?? whats that
Formula One Auto Racing. It's a worldwide racing series, they drive the cars that look like Indy cars, with the wheels sticking out. The teams are from different countries, same with the drivers. It's really expensive for the teams to run and the cars are like space ship technology. It's exciting this year too becuase they changed a ton of rules over the off season. It's shown on the Speed Channel, don't know if you get it or not.

then if i cant find anything i will get a kit........
If you need help putting one together, or want to make sure you are doing it right, I'd totally help. You could post pics and stuff, I'd walk you through.

dam for being new to the electrical and all you sure do sound like you know what your talking about .....
I read a ton about growing pot, and that can't kill you like electricity. I seriously read and read for hours a day for months. And it paid off. My house is much safer now and I saved us something like 7 or 8 thousand dollars.

do you go fishing ?....
No, I don't but really want to. I've been deep sea fishing a few times, and fished on a lake a few times when I was a kid. If you ever needed company on a day of fishing I'd totally be down.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. Two weeks into flowering today. The plants are looking great, starting to smell a tiny bit more. I sprayed them again with Liquid Light + penetrator. They really seem to like it. I guess I only have two or three more times I use the Liquid Light. Directions say use through the 3rd week of flowering, so that is what I will do. There aren't fat enough buds to worry about mold yet. Plus there is a lot of air blowing around.

So two weeks in. Should be 6 weeks till chop. I am not going to be surprised if it goes a little longer, because that seems to happen to everyone. I'm definitely going to judge by the trich's, not just time.

I was reading some thread where the person said their Dutch Master nutrients smelled like a swamp. It's a good description. My room doesn't smell like that or anything, just the reservoir. It's really killing me not being able to see in the reservoir. I want to see the roots, and see how big they are. I wonder if my air stones are still working well, and I wonder if there is any algae. I also wonder if my root netting is working keeping things separate. I will continue to wonder till we are all done.

I'm also starting to think that the white widow will definitely be at least a week longer than the Hindu Skunk. The flowers are totally lagging behind. I'm not too worried about it, I'm just nervous as it makes things at the end more complicated. I would like to just harvest everything at once, but oh well.

I spent a long time, maybe 2 hours tucking and lacing, placing, moving leaves, branches, budsites. I still love the screen, but damn I'm really getting tired of all the work. I'm sure I could just stop and let things grow how they are, but I'm sure that all the work I'm putting in will yield me more buds. I hope my work pays off.

Took some more pic tonight. And I've also watched 'pineapple express' 4 or 5 more times. I love it.

Pics are:
1-6: Each plant (i guess).
7: Group shot
8-9: View from below
10: White Widow flower in bottom Left corner - Hindu Kush flowers in bottom right, and top right. Bad picture but you can kinda see the difference in developement of the two plants (maybe you can see it)
11: Hindu Skunk budsites (so much more developed)
12-13: White Widow budsites (so much closer together)

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
aww i thought i heard that before F1 they have one over in orange or its called mach 1. yea they are fun. i been looking into going fishing up there soon so once i find out were i am going and when i will let you know. it pays to read ... some people out there dont even watch tv just read or work. I have worked in a few peoples homes that only had one small tv in a guest bedroom for company, but if you think along time ago people would read or just sit around the radio for fun.

Those girls are looking really nice man, keep a eye on the lower part of your screen i just cut everything below my screen and there was allot of little flowers growing, they were taking away from my beauty's on top. I was reading threads i cant find it right now but i wrote down the info wish i could find the thread again ..... but your right the trichomes are a better way of telling when to harvest...... there are three types if i remember right but i just wrote down the Amber Trichs will put you to sleep and the Cloudy ones will keep you up.


Well-Known Member
aww i thought i heard that before F1 they have one over in orange or its called mach 1. yea they are fun. i been looking into going fishing up there soon so once i find out were i am going and when i will let you know. it pays to read ... some people out there dont even watch tv just read or work. I have worked in a few peoples homes that only had one small tv in a guest bedroom for company, but if you think along time ago people would read or just sit around the radio for fun.

Those girls are looking really nice man, keep a eye on the lower part of your screen i just cut everything below my screen and there was allot of little flowers growing, they were taking away from my beauty's on top. I was reading threads i cant find it right now but i wrote down the info wish i could find the thread again ..... but your right the trichomes are a better way of telling when to harvest...... there are three types if i remember right but i just wrote down the Amber Trichs will put you to sleep and the Cloudy ones will keep you up.
F1 is like Nascar. It is a sport where only 20 driver in the world compete for the year. They race in different countries each time, Australia, Malaysia, Bahrain, England, Italy... 18 in all. The teams cost something like $500 million to run for the year. Very expensive sport.

I bet the streams up here would be cold as anything. When you go stream fishing, do you stay on the edge, or wear those wader things?

And yeah, I've seen that Trich's thread before, it has really good pics of what they should look like. I'm a fan of indica's and more a fan of knock you on your ass smoke, so I'll be waiting for amber trich's for sure. (that's weird to say, I had an ex-girlfriend named amber, and there is no way I'm waiting for her to do anything), but amber trich's for sure.

I'll chop a little bit before they change, while mostly still cloudy, so I can see the difference.

Question for smart people who know, or stupid people who like guessing: How can you compare the difference in chop time qualities vs. indica/ sativa qualities?
What I mean is, if you had an Indica and you chopped it really early so you got that 'heady' high, and you had a sativa that you waited until the very end, so you got a 'couch lock' high, would the indica (even though heady) still be more of an indica than the sativa? Does that make sense to anyone? I'm not thinking the indica chopped early will feel and taste like a true sativa, but what is the comparison.

And thanks for paying attention Hulk, the bottom was getting a little crowded again. I spent a lot of time cleaning things up under there, thanks to the suggestion.

About reading, it's funny. I never read anything on paper. I'm not like proud or anything (i own a ton of books), but I only read rollitup and espn and my email. But man my wife.... she is something else with books. She probably reads about 80 books a year, and not that romance novel stuff. We went to this thing together called the "Book Expo America" it was at Staples center. She bought a ticket to go in and get free books they were handing out, and I went with suitcases and just took trips from the exhibits to the car unloading. I think we got over 120 books, and I think she has read almost all of them by now. She also reviews them all on Amazon. They keep rankings for reviewers and she is like #3000, and that is a big deal (if you care about that kinda thing).

Where's pics of your screen bro?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Nothing much today. The plants are looking good. Flowers filling out the tiniest bit. I think they aren't that happy that I keep pulling foliage off. Too bad. I don't think I'm doing enough to hurt them, just upset them a little.

Without really meaning to I guess I'm sorta doing a BOG, a box of green, with my sides all growing up. Some call it an Arena grow. Whatever, I'm still calling mine a scrog with some hasidic looking sideburns.

One question for people, I have a few really tiny thin branches that have made it all the way to the screen and have 1 or 2 little flowers on them. Do you think I should take those off to let the giant branches grow some giant buds, or just leave everything that is in the light?

Sorry, no pics.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention the reason I think the girls are a little mad.

When my friend was visiting this last week we smoked in my room, and he blew out big puffs of smoke right onto the plants. Twice.

I yelled at him asking him how he would like a monster to blow the burnt smoke of his compatriots onto his face as he was trapped tied down in a net or something.

I really don't think there is any healing them from that experience. I'm not sure if they blame me or not, but I am very sorry the whole thing happened.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
i will have pics up in a day or two of my flower room i just checked it out looking reallly nice they look fluffy thoe not denise so i am making some homade co2 agian been doing it since the start of flowering but i only shake it up once in awhile so i might need to shake it up more..... are you doing any co2 ??


Well-Known Member
No, but I have been thinking about it. I'm not sure if I will set it up or not.

I think things are too airflowy right now. During the day I leave the door cracked and at night the exhaust fan is on the whole time to keep out humidity. And the fans are blowing pretty hard and they aim up, from under the canopy... so I don't think it would do much for me.

You think I should try anyways? What do you do?

At the beginning I was looking at getting a tank and regulator (which I may do in the future), but then my expenses bloomed. I never really looked into the diy stuff for reasons I said.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Yea with allot of fans going the co2 will not be able to do its job. I just get my two litter bottle do the yeast/water thing, shake it up and put it on the floor of my room under my plant. I try and get into my room when lights come on, i have almost everything setup on timers so i have two fans that don't turn on until 30mins to a hour after lights turn on so it helps get the humidity down in the room. If i can get into the room before the fans turn on, i already have my homemade co2 in my 2 littler bottle in my grow room ( i believe it last for like two weeks) i cover the hole on top of the lid and shake it up really good turn my back to the plant and let my finger off hole ( normally a little yeast squirts out don't want to get that on my girl) then i turn back around haha and put my 2 litter on the floor under my plant. so any co2 will go under my screen and up threw the leaves. Then my fans kick in after 30 mins to a hour depending on the temp and humidity, i have one fan really low that is right above the co2 bottle so it helps push the co2 under the plant. Like you said one day i might be able to go and get a nice co2 setup but there not cheap.


Well-Known Member
I have $20 in free Ace Rewards to spend today before they expire. I will use it to pick up so ghetto co2 supplies. I'm going to try and give the girls a little extra with the lights on and the fans off. I will have to make sure there are no temp problems with the fans off, I've never really checked. Thanks for the tip. You are keeping me on my game man. Thanks.

Dude, I guess I spread the love around enough. I could give you another rep point. I've given enough out, in my stats it says "Use of reputation system: 112".