JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones

I did a little research and it's all good to transfer strait to the soil.

I went to the hydro store. Bought exactly what I needed.

Box of Dolomite Lime.
Soil pH meter/ moiture meter
They didn't have root zone so I bought Roots Organics : Oregonism (a custom blend of 6 endo/ ecto mycorrhize species, 2 trichoderma, 13 strains of beneficial bacteria, yucca, and soluble kelp)
Water pump (for the hydro end of things)
Panda film (for the closet to separate the tanks from the light)
And I also bought a syringe type thing to better measure out my nutes and such.

So... please tell me if I'm wrong with anything here. I'm going to mix 50/50 by volume Perlite/ Ocean Forrest. The pots are 2 gallons so I will use roughly 1.75 gallons of soil mix per pot (i'm guessing). So that would mean 1.75 tablespoons per pot. Mix all that real good and put in the pot, leaving an opening for my clones to go in.

Now do I pat the soil down or just leave it loose as it is poured in?

Also... I'm thinking of sprinkling the roots of the clones with this Oregonism stuff. It says "1/2 teaspoon sprinkled on transplated roots". Any ideas on this... good idea, bad idea?

I guess that's it. When should I water them? And do I water them the first time with just water to get them used to things... or do I start with low nutes?

Thanks for the help guys.
I use Oregonism, it's good stuff. I mix it with molasses and aerate it overnite to activate the microbeasties. There's a ton of good info about organic soil grows and the interaction between your medium/nutes/microbeasties in this thread https://www.rollitup.org/organics/93913-making-tea-ez-cheap.html

I didn't add any nutes for the first three weeks using FFOF, its plenty hot enough as is, and using the Oregonism and molasses will help further break down the soil.
I use Oregonism, it's good stuff. I mix it with molasses and aerate it overnite to activate the microbeasties. There's a ton of good info about organic soil grows and the interaction between your medium/nutes/microbeasties in this thread https://www.rollitup.org/organics/93913-making-tea-ez-cheap.html

I didn't add any nutes for the first three weeks using FFOF, its plenty hot enough as is, and using the Oregonism and molasses will help further break down the soil.

Great info on organics and soil grows guys. I have been thinking of making a tea for my house and lawn plants.

Dr. Greenhorn, is your avatar outer reef Waimea or Jaws?
Dr. Greenhorn, is your avatar outer reef Waimea or Jaws?

Doesn't look like jaws to me. Not nasty enough.

How do you know it's not Mavericks?

I used to be a surfer in another life.

My favorite is Cloudbreak... just a shame it breaks the wrong way. :wink:
Doesn't look like jaws to me. Not nasty enough.

How do you know it's not Mavericks?

I used to be a surfer in another life.

My favorite is Cloudbreak... just a shame it breaks the wrong way. :wink:
I think your right. I asumed it was in HI because it was the Dr.'s avatar. But now that you say that is totally looks like Mavericks! Too green to be HI.
Sorry can't help ya with the soil questions, but the plants look alot healthier man. They always rebound pretty quick, looking good so far.

And surfing is sick! Especially when ur medicated, gotta love California, although our water is pretty nasty lookin compared to Hawaii. :peace:
DorianGray said:
just watch for mg/cal defs and the rest of your time will be spent smiling!

The dolomite lime I picked is a wonderful source of calcium and magnesium... so I should be pretty set. If not I have a Gallon of Cal- mag. Thanks for the heads up.

I never thought I would be going soil either.

Don and Jesse... It's really great to have you two along. Showing me the way forward.

Haha... I just drooled on my leg.... :mrgreen:

NeverSummer... glad to see you... how's your first harvest treating you... still have any complaints about the MK?

What up damnbigbudz... we growing some damn big budz in here... so it's all the better we have you here too. I understand lurking, but I always love hearing from people. I'm really glad you have enjoyed all my yapping.

I appreciate the help... you sure you didn't get that site from my first journal. Plantlightinghydroponics.com was the first place I ordered anything for growing. I was very happy with them... and I live in the woods, plus I'm legal so I don't worry to much about packaging. Thanks for the warning. Now I know and knowing is half the battle.

Hulk... the main improvement I would make would be to make the 'Room exhaust' flow better. I don't think it's big enough and the hole/ ducting it runs through is pretty shitty. Plus I think I need more passive intake... or a forced intake.

Other than that things are alright. Ask me in another month I'll probably have some more issues.

Hulk Nugs said:
you cold put drawer brackets on the floor with wood bla bla and then you would have a floor that the buckets sit on and it can slide in and out of the closet

This is a wonderful idea. The problem is my closet extends on one side... If that makes sense... so I woule be losing a foot of moving floor space... if that makes sense. I need a wider door... not that it would work... but that's the idea (i feel like that makes no sense, oh well).

Tahoe... thanks for the positive reinforcement. It does wonders for me. I'm glad you like the updates.

I ended up doing a hybrid of leaving the rockwool and pulling it. I tried to rip the top off. I'll explain in the soil update.

Robotninja... always a good day when you make an appearance.

Speaking of good days... I got stung by a bee last night. Seriously... no joke.... not exagerating.... WORST pain of my life. Hands down, not even a contest. The strange part is this is the 3rd time I've been stung. When I was 5, 14, and now 30. The first two times it didn't hurt me one bit. Felt like a little pin prick. But man this was bad.

Plus I was by myself driving in a remote location at 1 am. Not a good situation if I was allergic... I might be dead now. Praise all the powers that be.

things are lookin great and green bud. Its nice to see your babies. []Deace

I'm glad you approve. Thanks.

So here's the Hydro update I promised from a couple days ago.

I took the buckets/ plants/ screens out of the closet for the last time I beleive.

I tied the girls back, and gave them fresh water and nutes.

Everything looks good.

I don't know what my problem was the other night... I only got pictures of the Casey Jones.

The very last pic is the Sour Grape.


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Hey Jig, I love the how MJ is a plant that can be grown in so many ways successfully and can be bent to your will. I had one question about your DWC res. Do you encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria, which help further break down and chelate the nutes, or do you keep it a sterile environment with H2O2?
hey jig ... things be moving along pretty well huh? Good planning and good maintenance make good progress. Your plants are looking like this will be a special grow .... Walk on!!~~~
The soil grow has begun. I mixed 50/50 ocean forest/ perlite using the pots as measuring tools. I filled both with one material only... then I dumped each into a 5 gal bucket (at the same time). I mixed in dolomite lime at each quarter of progress. After playing for a little bit... it all got mixed really well.

Then I picked which page of the newspaper the girls would like. The sour grape is a little, well... sour. So I gave her the bright colored picture talking about happy. Hopefully the tone of the pic wears off on her. The purple kush is a sexy little girl... so she got the picture of leo dicaprio.

So... when do I water them? With just ph'd water? When do I start the Bacteria stuff?


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Just ph'd water for the first 10-14 days, then start with veg nutes.

You want to water them right when you plant the clones into the soil.

For a 5 gallon container, I would start with 1/2 gallon of ph'd water per plant, going up to 3/4 gallon and maybe even a full gallon as the roots really fill up the container.

The Root Zone gets mixed into the soil, or applied directly under the clones in the dirt...
hEy bro, another thing,,, get to know the wieghts of your pots when they're dry and wwhen they're watered. Don't throw them on a scale or anything:lol: but just by picking them up, you'll have an idea. It's all about the feel baby! lol:hump: peace bro:leaf:
After playing for a little bit... it all got mixed really well.

this is fukin priceless, don't ya just love ... be able to love what ur doing ... so fun that you get distracted ... having fun /..... walk on!!~~~~