JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones


Well-Known Member
Hey Tom... good to see stop buy bud. I agree that hydro is easy... easy and complicated. Soil is simple but hard. At least I think that's the way it is... maybe the other way around. All I know is my buds are strait FAT in hydro, and they are tiny and sick looking in soil. Sad really.

Hulk... the soil plants just take up too much room... there is no where to put them in good light and not crowd my big girls... I could make room, but I would be losing good pot for not so good pot.

The little soil girls are pretty sad.

man this is great. Ive read all 55 some pages on this guy and I have to commend you on your work so far. Good job. Good job dealing with the crushing reality of pM. I'm excited to see some one else growing the CJ and the Head Band. I'm working with mothers of both and hope to bust out some vertical action here shortly.
Thank you my friend. I'm honored you would make your first post in my journal.

I have to admit, I'm not growing any headband. I know the title says otherwise. My original plan was to grow it, but by the time I got clones my co-op no longer carried it. So I have Sour Grape to keep my Casey Jones company. Verts pretty cool... I recommend it. And we'll see what the yeild is like.

So... I was having a great time tonight taking pics, until my memory card filled up. Boooooo. So I used the opportunity to sort all my pics for the past 2 gigs worth. Damn I take a lot of pics. 450+ on the vert grow so far... and that doesn't count ones of the soil plants.

Anyways, here are what I got before the derailment. These are for you sampo99999, hulk, and tom. Thanks guys.

1-5 : Casey Jones
6-14 : Sour Grape



Well-Known Member
that sour grape looks way more crystal-y than it did a week ago. And the buds on that casey jones, it's hard to tell in that pic but is that on bud almost as big as your hand?

And sorry to hear about the soil plants but can't say I blame you. So you are just getting rid of them or are you just sticking them in the corner? I'm with hulk nugs on this. I think they can at least make it to some sort of harvest....turn it into to hash or oil or something.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Looking very nice man, nugs are just blowing up got to be happy to see that when you open the door

I guess your right if its going to be a headache might as well cut your losses take the soil out, but there’s got to be something you could do with them instead of trash them ........hahahhaahhaha just thought of something

put them on Craig’s list for adoptions find a good home for them:-P


Well-Known Member
Looking great Jig. :clap::clap:

Shame about the soil ladies. I guess they figured out themselves that they weren't your number one.:cry:



Well-Known Member
Im stoked about going vertical......... somewhat.....
What? why somewhat? I mean... I'm not going to hold you down till you love vert, but why the hesitation. Not looking forward to construction? We are all here for support.

And I actually had the idea of finding a home for my soil girls on craigslist... or even giving them to one of my friends... 1 Giant problem.... Powdery Mildew. It's not worth sending someone to the hospital, just to say I didn't waste a plant.

Let's face it guys... there are millions and millions and millions of MJ plants in the world. I have 2 that aren't performing up to their potential. That's all. They will be harvested. Just don't expect more than a quarter per plant.

Also... TreeHigh is correct in that the pics really don't do the plants justice. Yes the pics are great... but the plants are fatter and stickier looking in person. Seriously, it's wild.

Oh.... Ha.... I saw part of the movie Jumanji for the first time the other day. Reminded me of my grow (and whoever made the comparison... i think it was hulk or tom).

:leaf: :weed: :leaf: :weed: :leaf: :weed: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I was gonna offer to take them but I also remembered about the mildew. You think the mildew would have any affect on any hash or

oil that was made from them?

I guess it doesn't really matter, 2 plants out of a few mill, plus the fact that you have two monsters in your closet, I can't say I would

sweat it too much if I was you.

Also I'm looking at the pics of this grow and trying to find out why in the growers bible it says that vertical is not as good as horizontal.

It explained it, I can't remember what it said right now though. Also right after that it had a caption about a vertical setup saying how

efficient it was. I'll have to let you check it out.


Well-Known Member
Jig man looking fantastic! your grows are always nice and interesting i love it bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

O and I cant wait to see what you get out of this :weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jig. I made a little diagram of my plants. Im gonna post it. Hope you don't mind. THe journal in my sig is round 2 where this diagram will take place. I really need some help going vertical, Im a little stressed about the change. Plants will be about 4 feet (soil to top) before flowering. All topped once at 12". 1800ws in flower room plus 388 watts of T8s for side lighting(and to contain the light from the vertical 1000w! Please let me know what you think. I would love your opinion.



Well-Known Member
Do you trim leaves on that setup? I'm finally making the move to vert in the next couple of weeks when my original finish up, I'm getting excited aquiring the needed supplys to make the metamorphasis =)

I'm a soil guy and I have flirted with going dro but where I live we get 2-3 day power outagous in the winter (welcome to the boonies) making dro pretty unstable. I am on the other side of your equation, dirt is simple magic hydro is science and shit :dunce: BUT that being said if your feeling the need to cut your loses, then do it. instincts are something to be listened to.

:clap:Those girls looks sweet and sticky!:hump:
+rep if it will let me,


Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking in Don.

Always nice to see you roll through Fishindog.

Cerebrus, I have only trimmed leaves that were sick. The 'middle' of the plant had much trimmed off in veg, but since then, I have only removed sick looking leaves (and not too many I might add).

I was always one to think it was best if the actual bud got all the light, but I have tried to leave the leafs alone this time... and just yesterday when I was poking around in there, I found some of the fattest nugs totally hiding behind some fat fan leaves. So I guss it's true that the leaves are what gets all the juice from the light.

I'm stoked for your move to vert. Bummer about the power outages... must be a lot of fun. We only get one or two a year and they usually last 12 - 24 hours. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

TreeHigh, I'm pretty sure the plants will be harvested with no powdery mildew on them, so we will be able to smoke it.... I just can't give the plants away to someone else knowing they are infected and could potentially do damage. PLUS the plants would infect any grow space they were put in... so no one wants these plants... trust me.

WB... Holy crap man.... that's a lot of light. The plan seems good. I don't know about the need for 'side lighting'. I think 1800w will do it. You know I'm only running 650w right?

Looks like a plan for sure though... keep us posted, I like the plan so far. My only thought is to have the hoods turned the other way... I don't know what the light foot print is like, but seems like it would cover better the other way... plus you could hook with strait ducting and not have it curve 180 between them.

One question.... is that a box 7'6" wide AND deep?

I took another video to celebrate 200 youtube subscribers. Fucking awesome. The buds are getting so fat and the Sour Grape is really really really stinky. It's going to be BAD by the time harvest rolls around.

Only about 5 weeks before the SG starts coming down. I guess I should think about using the gravity soon.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member

Looking great man, keep it up. People like you make this look easy :finger:jk:lol:

Scrogking very nice, fits you!, never looked you up on that before 27 videos dam man and tons of views keep them coming. Going to look into that soon hahaha well when my wifes alseep witch is almost all the time:-P so soon.


Well-Known Member
The room is 7'6" wide, and about 7 feet to the plastic wall, but probably really only 5-6' of useable for plants. Yea All I know right now Is that I am going vertical, and that 1000w will be in the center of a circle/ square of 3-4' plants, when I flip. May use 400w's as side lighting, Getting some mixed input in my journal. Made a thread over at verticalgreen. Ill stop by your thread in there/


Well-Known Member
Hey there - this is Jigfresh's wife, and he's away this weekend, so I'm babysitting the plants. I've never logged into RIU before so I'm not sure whether I'm posting this in the right place, but I'm hoping that someone can tell me if I need to do something to the plants (he's in a class right now and I can't reach him on his mobile). So I opened up the door to check the water levels and I noticed that the left side of the screen looks like it's a lot closer to the light than the right side. I took pictures below. At the top, where the screen bits hook on the wood (i'm really technical, I know - bear with me, please!) it looks like some of the little screen things slipped off and aren't hooked onto the wood piece like they still are on the right side. The entire screen is leaning in, at least a few inches closer to the light than the right side is. I would move it back, but I don't want to risk messing up the buds if it's not that big of a deal. He'll probably call me late tonight when he finishes and I can ask him then. But if this is, like, a super emergency and the buds are going to get burned from being so close to the light, I will move it right away. Does any of this make any sense at all? I hope so - sorry for not making sense. I gave them each a gallon of RO water so I think the water levels will be ok. Do they look ok otherwise? I remember he had sprayed that stuff for the mildew thing, so I think that's why they are spotty - maybe someone who's been following the thread closely can help me (Hulknugs?).

Thanks so much...
Mrs. Jigfresh, or Ms Fresh for short :)


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
hey Mrs Jigfresh

Thanks for the update
looking good to me, might want to ask him about that screen not to sure if it was hooked or not.

Going to be a nice finish, have you taken a rip yet Mrs, of his other harvest?