jilly bean hermie - should I keep the seeds?

Well I havent been on here in a while. I have a beautiful jilly bean plant with abt 1 - 2 weeks left at the most in flowering.
Today, I noticed some tiny seeds developing.
Should I let it grow the seeds?
As far as I know this is a common method of producing feminized seeds...
I also have a blackberry kush, and a green crack in the room as well...
If you can spot the nanners just pick them off. I would continue to let if grow since the seeds are already forming so damage has been done already. Check the other plants to see if they are seeded as well..
The others are only abt 2 weeks into flowering.

Its really weird tho, I dont see any pollen sacs its like the seeds came from nowhere.
Haha. Spray your flower room just incase you have any stray pollen. Water will neautralize the pollen.

Some hermies have nanners that are hard to spot and could be growing inside the bud.