jobs market caving

Of course you don't get it. It doesn't make sense does it?? And if anyone who did get it tried to explain it to you you would say their a conspiracy nut. So whats the point?? It wasn't like nobody saw this coming. I think deep down most of us knew deep down that things weren't right. But the media said the DOW is at 14000 its all good.

While McSame was saying "the fundamentals of the US economy are strong". People Like Ron Paul were laughed off the Stage for suggesting this would happen. People Like to hear positive messages like "Yes We Can" and "Change You Can Believe In" People are looking for hope not a solution. Believe me the terrorists and jihadists are laughing their asses off at us. We spent our way into this mess fighting them and artificially bolstering our economy with funny money. Things are going to get allot more interesting.

If Obama is smart he will be the next JFK end the FED kill the CIA and remove us from other countries internal problems. He will stop borrowing money we can't pay back. But I think he will be the next FDR and spend us into oblivion.

We are at a cross roads in our nations history we will either do what made this country great and avoid government as much as possible or we will head into totalitarianism.
Of course you don't get it. It doesn't make sense does it?? And if anyone who did get it tried to explain it to you you would say their a conspiracy nut. So whats the point?? It wasn't like nobody saw this coming. I think deep down most of us knew deep down that things weren't right. But the media said the DOW is at 14000 its all good.

While McSame was saying "the fundamentals of the US economy are strong". People Like Ron Paul were laughed off the Stage for suggesting this would happen. People Like to hear positive messages like "Yes We Can" and "Change You Can Believe In" People are looking for hope not a solution. Believe me the terrorists and jihadists are laughing their asses off at us. We spent our way into this mess fighting them and artificially bolstering our economy with funny money. Things are going to get allot more interesting.

If Obama is smart he will be the next JFK end the FED kill the CIA and remove us from other countries internal problems. He will stop borrowing money we can't pay back. But I think he will be the next FDR and spend us into oblivion.

We are at a cross roads in our nations history we will either do what made this country great and avoid government as much as possible or we will head into totalitarianism.

A better hope would be for him to be the next Thomas Jefferson and eradicate the national debt (and national deficit)

Or better yet, the next Andrew Jackson, and do away with the Federal Reserve.
After the war, despite the debt, the United States also experienced an economic boom, due to the devastation of the Napoleonic Wars. In particular, because of the damage to Europe's agricultural sector, the U.S. agricultural sector underwent an expansion. The Bank aided this boom through its lending, which encouraged speculation in land. This lending allowed almost anyone to borrow money and speculate in land, sometimes doubling or even tripling the prices of land. The land sales for 1819, alone, totaled some 55 million acres (220,000 km²). With such a boom, hardly anyone noticed the widespread fraud occurring at the Bank as well as the economic bubble that had been created.[4]
In the summer of 1818, the national bank managers realized the bank's massive over-extension, and instituted a policy of contraction and the calling in of loans. This recalling of loans simultaneously curtailed land sales and slowed the U.S. production boom due to the recovery of Europe. The result was the Panic of 1819 and the situation leading up to McCulloch v. Maryland 17 U.S. 316 (1819).[5]
Maryland adopted a policy to restrict banks, by placing a tax on any bank that was not chartered by the state legislature. This tax was either 2% of all assets or a flat rate of $15,000. That meant that the Baltimore Branch would have to pay this hefty tax. McCulloch filed suit against the state in a county court. The case made its way through the courts, all the way up to the United States Supreme Court, where the tax by the state of Maryland was ultimately struck down. Daniel Webster had successfully argued the case for the bank.

[edit] Bank's decline

By the early 1830s, President Andrew Jackson had come to thoroughly dislike the Second Bank of the United States because of its supposed fraud and corruption. Jackson then had an investigation done on the Bank which he said established “beyond question that this great and powerful institution had been actively engaged in attempting to influence the elections of the public officers by means of its money.” Although its charter was bound to run out in 1836, Jackson wanted to "kill" the Second Bank of the United States even earlier. Jackson is considered primarily responsible for its demise, seeing it as an instrument of political corruption and a threat to American liberties.[6] The head of the Second Bank during Jackson's presidency was Nicholas Biddle who decided to seek an extension of the bank's charter four years early, in 1832. Henry Clay helped to steer the bill through Congress. But Jackson vetoed the bill in July.
Why don't we wait and see what Obama will do. I doubt there is any easy fix to this Laisse-faire dillema the capitalists have wrought. Maybe if Bush hadn't removed the last vestiges of control over the financial giants, things could be better. Now, everyone that has a job is panicked and those that don't are just screwed
The state government of South Carolina is asking for a federal bailout so they can pay people their unemployment benefits. I guess they are out of money for the little guy but I'm sure the lawmakers are still getting paid.
The state government of South Carolina is asking for a federal bailout so they can pay people their unemployment benefits. I guess they are out of money for the little guy but I'm sure the lawmakers are still getting paid.
the banksters are still getting paid..the auto workers are still getting paid..the insurance companys are still getting paid...the auto exec's are still getting paid......and the tax payer is getting soaked for it all...joe six pack is sooo fucked right now..alot of people's unemployment are running out and the next wave of foreclosures to hit the market ..of millions upon millions of homes is going to hit the chicago mobsters straight in their ass's:leaf:
the banksters are still getting paid..the auto workers are still getting paid..the insurance companys are still getting paid...the auto exec's are still getting paid......and the tax payer is getting soaked for it all...joe six pack is sooo fucked right now..alot of people's unemployment are running out and the next wave of foreclosures to hit the market ..of millions upon millions of homes is going to hit the chicago mobsters straight in their ass's:leaf:
Chicago mobsters, are you referring to our next POTUS. Maybe that's what we need, a mobster running the country. Yo, I'm stopping this costly war and putting a hit on all overpaid execs. Get this money out to the peeps. Tell those bozos in congress if they don't do my bidding they'll get a dirt nap, or sleep with the fishes. I'm gonna make some changes around here.
Obama will do nothing different than Bush would do. He is bought and paid for by the big banking interests. The Top 3 contributors to Obama's campaign were big banks. His cabinets are full of Washington insiders. His pick for treasurer is a fucking banker for god's sake, whos interests do you think a Banker will look out for? The unending war against terrorism will go on forever ( Its not winnable), the War in Iraq will keep continuing as long as money is to be made and the war on the US citizen will continue as we begin to see money velocity move thorugh our economy bringing it to its knees with Hyperinflation.

The europeans figured out long ago that the maximum taxation a citizen will endure is about 40%, any more and there is a revolution. When governments Monetize debt most people will be defrauded into providing nearly 80% tax through inflation. We currently haven't seen anything yet, give it about 4-6 months when its found that Obama's plans aren't helping and the economy really starts to crumble. People who are starving to death have no qualms killing others for food, and I certainly hope it never gets that bad, but I am ready just in case.
guys chill... we are just in a recession! we will come out of it :roll:

no worries, our christ child Obama is here to give us the change we need! he will save us all!!..... hahahah sorry i just could not help myself :fire:...

the fact of the matter is we are totally screwed as we sit right now.. the government (right and left) are going to bend us over and pound away until we squeal like pigs or bite their cocks off... hyperinflation is going to rape us even harder, and our economy is going to buckle like a 1000 pound mans kneecaps.

we have only BARELY begun to see the cracks in the foundation with this first round of housing.. those were those who were meant to fail..
after this record breaking shitty consumer season, be prepared to watch large retail companies go under along with the thousands of jobs that go with them.. then we will see round 2 of the foreclosures, and as the rest of the people pucker up their buttholes, that will cause more and more companies to go under, more and more jobs to be lost, more and more houses to be foreclosed, and record bankruptcies..

we are seeing record gun and survival equipment sales for a reason.. the next few months, and years especially will be interesting to say the least
exactly.. thats what i meant to add in whenever i said the large retail chains and their employees/managers/ceos go out of work.. huge buildings with nobody to lease them...

someone wanna go in with me on one and we can throw 30k lights in there?
exactly.. thats what i meant to add in whenever i said the large retail chains and their employees/managers/ceos go out of work.. huge buildings with nobody to lease them...

someone wanna go in with me on one and we can throw 30k lights in there?
Whatcha gonna do, give the pot away. No work, no money for pot.
in times of depression or recession drugs and alcohol sales go upwards, not downwards..

and i dont care how bad the economy gets people will always be willing to pay or barter for pot.

and rich kids that spend all their parents dough dont feel it.. they continue with thier ivy league education and blow 500 bux an oz on pot

you could almost say its recession proof LOL
All of the doom and gloom being reported by the Main Stream Media will subside after January 20th. Look for more positive news after that.

In the Uk it is very bad now with many big companies with huge staff bases going into administration, and house repo's rising too quickly. House devaluation is crippling the country and it can only get worse, my house is now worth 20% less than when I bought it 2 years ago. Even Wedgewood the pottery company that has been famous and viable for centuries went bust today!!! But the banks keep being given cash from the govt, cash they refuse to lend, tax payers cash...Banks are the scourge of the earth and the cause of all our woes. ''Hmm lets see, he has a menial job, no savings, 4 kids, no education, no credit history, but he wants a mortgage, and a little extra to smarten the house up. Yeah why not! How about a 125% mortgage that ok?'' Dumb fucks!
^^^ Yeppers, 125% financing ... all guaranteed by the government. The problem is, the government is US!
