vi why jan 20? and we stopped being the gov. a long time ago
Short answer ... Because January 20 is the date Obama becomes president. After that date, the media will start reporting that the economy is improving. After all, it was the media who was in the tank for Obama in the first place, no? For example, all the media has to do is start reporting that the housing market has stopped declining and will start increasing in price shortly. When they do that, people will start coming out of the woodwork to buy all the cheap housing ... and here we go again.
The bottom line is, Americans, for the most part, don't think for themselves and are very much influenced by propaganda.
We can only hope the media turns the economy around. Perception is 90% of the cure anyway. If we percieve the situation is getting better, it will. I doubt anyone can cure the monetary problem with the FED., Or more likely that anyone in power would try.
The only problem is this is only a temporary solution. Things will get better for a couple quarters while Obama is in office because of the confidence and optimism people will show for him. Eventually, however, if things are not changed drastically (ie banks stop giving people who have shitty credit adjustable rate loans, which is what caused the value of housing to drop, or something is done about our commitments overseas) then we will only end up worse then we are now after people dropped all their money into a false sense of security.
Despite all this, the stock market will make people very rich if we ever do get out of this. Many stocks have been cut in half from the values that they had hovered around for years. Example: both yahoo and apple have dropped roughly 60% from where they were 1.5-2 years ago.
Just my 2 cents, I'm not a business major or anything like it (Biology actually), this is just my prediction.
Same as Google, which has hundreds of millions for charities, but not jackshit for its shareholders/owners
I almost bought 100 shares of google on opening, they said it would open in the 90.00 dollar range. I put in my order at 99.00 for 100 shares but it zipped right passed that before my order had a chance to fill, so I cancelled and never looked back. had I bought at 105.00 and held on, I'd of made about 85,000.00. What's that they say about hind sight?