Well-Known Member
Hey mic I have a question for ya. I'm building a new perpetual scrog aero/rdwc set up.
I was curious how long do your roots get in veg and flower usually with your plants ? Do they end up sitting in the water fast or take a while ?
I have plans for making the same veg and flower units using the strong boxs. 8 plants in 6in net pots sprayer manifold inside with 700gph+ pump to both run the sprays and recirculate the water to a remote reservoir. Sick of lifting the lid all the time and I am going to get a nice air pump for good oxygenation. With a scrog there is much other choice not being able to move the plants eventually.
6" pots? wow thats pretty big. I like your single res idea. Ill be re-designing soon myself. if you really want to maximize your grow space you need you pack them in there tight. that means basically no individual access to each res. Post pics when you get them!
As for the roots. One of the real advantages of running Aero in these reservoires is the acces that you have to the root system. Enough is not said about this factor. In this system you can watch them very closely (treat them directly if necessary) and really get their initial sprout and growth rates down.
For my stystem I average 7-10 days to pop roots. Within another 7-10 days the tap root has reached the nutes at the bottom of the reservoire. From there it is an average of 3 weeks Veg time. During this time the root ball forms a healthy curtain about 5 inches wide and grows to rest on the botom of the res.
The photos below are Just for reference. Not from the same plant.

1st 7-10 days

2nd 7-10 days

1st 3 weeks of nutes