Joe Biden’s son is not in trouble

Nobody who’s father is Vice President should ever accept such a job, not hard is it?
such a job?

so he was basically a legal consultant, who never actually went to the Ukraine, and probably had little to no involvement in whatever legal fuckery Zlochevsky was engaged in.....
what did you think he was doing? masterminding some kind of international criminal ring? they would ask him questions, and he would give them answers....what a cocksucker, answering questions....clearly a criminal fuck, whose father cannot possibly be qualified to take over from a monomaniacal wanna be dictator with a criminal empire.....
Like not selling out is a hard thing to do? Bernie, Yang and any other candidate, who sold out?
Yang has not been in DC, we have no real idea of how he will actually legislate. Trump has proven that you want to see a track record.

Bernie has cashed in on his fame while still in office, where Joe Biden did not. I don't hate on Bernie for that though, I am just aware of how his socialism scares the shit out of the rural areas which would go a long way in costing the Democrats the Senate and House, meaning he wouldn't be able to get his shit done.

But that said, I will deninanftly vote for them if they win the Democratic nomination, because we know what the alternative is now, and voting 3rd party is a sucker bet and basically a vote for Trump.
After the senate is done questioning Hunter Biden he'll need a musical instrument case to escape the country, Happy new year lol
always interesting to see what a bunch of people who voted for a guy who bragged about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage children and stealing from kids with cancer think qualifies as scandalous

You fuckers are desperate
So, you a made up propaganda piece is preferable to discussing treason by our president.

In which troll factory did they mint you?
lol, who said it's more preferable. Is this the Trump treason thread? You can't talk about both? You guys are funny as hell.
lol, who said it's more preferable. Is this the Trump treason thread? You can't talk about both? You guys are funny as hell.
Why would I talk about made up shit? I'm much more interested in what really happened. Like when Trump demanded Ukraine do him a personal favor in exchange for his allowing public funds to be disbursed in an initiative that is important to US security.

The other crap is just that. You just want to talk about crap. If so, perhaps the religion and spirituality forum is more your speed.
such a job?

so he was basically a legal consultant, who never actually went to the Ukraine, and probably had little to no involvement in whatever legal fuckery Zlochevsky was engaged in.....
what did you think he was doing? masterminding some kind of international criminal ring? they would ask him questions, and he would give them answers....what a cocksucker, answering questions....clearly a criminal fuck, whose father cannot possibly be qualified to take over from a monomaniacal wanna be dictator with a criminal empire.....

They will make up shit in order to avoid discussing actual acts of corruption by Trump.
again, I didn't "fall" for it, I made it up. I understand now some more BS is coming out saying that he was paid 3 million but I hadn't read that yet, but we will stick with your $600 (wonder where you fell for that number) and I still say it's the same problem. It looks bad. And what do you mean the scandal I said it was? I didn't say it was a scandal, the republicans are saying it is and guess what, it has become one, actually a giant one for them. I have a republican who works for me who believes this shit. Now if little Biden was a man of character, this would not have happen, they still would have gone after him for sleeping with his sister and the other dumbass shit he's done obviously but not this.
Claiming Hunter slept with his sibling is nothing more than a low brow ambiguous swipe disguised as facetiousness. Its feeble and disingenuous.

Seems to be the name of the game with closet Trump supporters.