Joe goes organic

Veggies seem acclimated to the ground

This broccoli plant was dying before it went into the ground. Glad it bounced back View attachment 3695544

PepperView attachment 3695545

Cucumber. Debating whether to use a tomato cage to thread the vine up off the ground or let do its thing on the ground. View attachment 3695547

OkraView attachment 3695549

Cherry Tomato View attachment 3695554

Some freebie seedlingsView attachment 3695560
Can't beat freebies LOL

I'd love to have some land of my own to grow on, but for now I've just got some fruit trees, strawberries, tomatoes, chillis, sweetcorn and a multitude of different herbs in containers, this growing bug has really caught me and I know it's improving my horticultural skills and biggest pest are slugs, snails and cats
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Hahahahahaha! You and I got bit by the same bug. Nice garden @DonBrennon
I'm checking the garden everyday or as often as I can for pest. I'm aware of aphids around so I'm hoping to attract more lady bugs to help me out. Just found out a garden center near me has some so now to figure out what flowers to plant to keep them around and begin to thrive.
Garden update


Still here aven't figured out what is eating my broccoli but it's still growing strong. I've used Diameaticous earth twice.

Cherry Tomatoes


The other cherry tomato plant is growing into my okra. That's what I get for not using a cage.

Inside garden is doing well.

MWS original skunk #1 almost one week into bloom. She'll get a tea next week along with the pineapple haze Cross. IMAG3359_1.jpg

The stalk healed nicely. Aloe works wonders. IMAG3360_1.jpg

Pineapple Haze Cross IMAG3362_1.jpg
I'm amending 4cuft total:

2cu ft sphagnum peat moss
1cu ft manure/compost
1cu ft espoma potting soil

So I'm going with:

1 cup oyster shells
1 cup Blood meal
1 cup diameaticous earth
1 cup Epsom salt
1 cup garden lime
2 cups Rock phosphate
2 cups greensand
2 cups azomite
2 cups bone meal
2 cups kelp meal

I've read that rice hulls break down so I was thinking about hydroton rocks(the red balls in cannabis soil mixes) as a replacement. Are they only sold at hydro stores or online?

Personally I feel like Oyseter shell+Epsom+Garden lime = redundant as fuck.
1 cup of Diatomaceious earth should only be used as a top dressing, inside soil it breaks down once water is added leaving zero benefits of what it's used for. The way DE works is, the powder is basically like mini shards of glass that cut the gnats up as they try to hatch from there eggs and get to the surface, they have to get through that layer of DE first.

Besides that I think it's pretty darn good.

How did this mix fair for you? I am DEF not saying it won't work, just saying next time you could put in just some Oyster shells for calcium and chitin, with some Lime for PH balance.
No aeration? Usually goes 1-1-1 in a Peatmoss or CoCo/compost or EWC/ Aeration like perlite or rice hulls.

Either way, looks pretty good. Again, how did this fair?
Personally I feel like Oyseter shell+Epsom+Garden lime = redundant as fuck.
1 cup of Diatomaceious earth should only be used as a top dressing, inside soil it breaks down once water is added leaving zero benefits of what it's used for. The way DE works is, the powder is basically like mini shards of glass that cut the gnats up as they try to hatch from there eggs and get to the surface, they have to get through that layer of DE first.

Besides that I think it's pretty darn good.

How did this mix fair for you? I am DEF not saying it won't work, just saying next time you could put in just some Oyster shells for calcium and chitin, with some Lime for PH balance.
No aeration? Usually goes 1-1-1 in a Peatmoss or CoCo/compost or EWC/ Aeration like perlite or rice hulls.

Either way, looks pretty good. Again, how did this fair?

It's working pretty good so far. On my second run with it.


Jamaican Pearl IMAG3437_1.jpg

Strawberry Kush IMAG3434_1.jpg

MWS Diesel IMAG3438_1.jpg

How did the Panama turn out?

Smell, color, medical properties...?

Unfortunately all three Panama's turned out to be males but I did get to cross them with the mk ultra so I'm excited to see how that turns out. I've got three more in veg and I'm hoping for at least one female so I can give a good report. I'll keep you posted. They're right around a month old. Gonna give em about three more weeks before putting them in the bloom room.