Joe rogans a dumbass. About UFC and DMT

i've seen some of his talk show things online or whatever, he always acts like huge douchebag lol.
He is, god lol everytime I watch UFC I just wanna punch him. With dmt his views dont piss me off as much.. But he is just one of those dumb people who think too much :p
who thinks too much and thinks everything he thinks up is fucking brilliant. when in reality it's something the majority of people have thought of before.
which would be fine except he thinks he's a fucking genius for it.

and no i never watched it, i can't stand his voice.
Good glad we have the sam view haha, it surprised me all his positive comments on youtube. I think he just.. He is just unintelligent I think. He's not creative like he thinks he is, he doesnt think for himself kinda thing
I don't think a lot of his followers actually have drug experience, so they think he's like some super fucking drug guru. All he does is think about the same shit that most people think about when they're under the influence. except he actually says the stupid shit he thinks up publicly... it's sad to watch him speak.
He's a "try hard".. I don't like him just because he uses DMT to gain more fame. It's something that is for you and you alone to experience.
im gonna say hes sometimes annoying.. but definitely not dumb.
he has put together multiple careers himself. dumb people dont do that.
have you seen his small parts in "the union" (marijuana documentary)

as far as drug using celebrities go.. hes not the dumbest thats for sure

not to mention, seeing 2 people go back and fourth in a single thread bashing someone they dont know personally.. is a little dumb to me.
Well if I look at it this way, if everyone see's him as positive. Then stupid people take majority(we already know this). Stupid people are obviously in charge. So maybe their stupid brains will communicate, justifying DMT usage for intellectuals
He's a "try hard".. I don't like him just because he uses DMT to gain more fame. It's something that is for you and you alone to experience.

no one uses dmt to gain fame.
his dmt use is just famous.

hes a celebrity whos "danced with the spirit"
same with jim carey
joe simply has a fan base he can talk about it with.. i mean everyone i know whos done it instantly wanted to talk about their experience with anyone who would listen, can you blame him?
not as bad as other drug using celebrities?

i would rather bang lines with lindsay lohan, she knows how to have a good time.
no one uses dmt to gain fame.
his dmt use is just famous.

hes a celebrity whos "danced with the spirit"
same with jim carey
joe simply has a fan base he can talk about it with.. i mean everyone i know whos done it instantly wanted to talk about their experience with anyone who would listen, can you blame him?
Actually, I like to keep most of my experiences to myself.. Just like I don't talk about most of my dreams. Ironically, I'd like to tell you of a dream I had last night since I just remembered it. I was looking at myself. My skin was my normal color but every once in a while I would look down at my arm and it would turn darker each time. Soo enough I was a black male.. Then I grew a huge ass beard and I honestly felt like a badass (IDK why lol).
Ive tripped too many times. Its like explaining it is just.. I honestly dont tell everyone about it. On here I do if I have like a crazy experience. And I guess some of my friends but I wouldnt make it public.Especially with DMT, its just not even possible to try and explain anyways. I can kinda describe the visual effect.. But nahh.. Theyll see it :p