John Deere turns out to be assholes, too.....

Pepsi and Nestle too. Fucking Satanist lol

do you never wait to check anything out before you start shouting it at the top of your lungs?
it literally took me one click to discredit this pile of i have to assume the answer is no, you read something then just start yelling about it like chicken little yelling about the falling sky
All business is about making money. If you are indebted to share holders more so. I believe Phillip Morris owned Kellogs at some point. Coffin nails and cereal.

Capitalism is waning. Put your pension in gold and cannabis :D
a lot of it is people accepting it.
planned obsolescence is about the worst thing ever thought's not really a secret, but no one has ever boycotted businesses that practice it...that's just the way it is now.
i still have things that my grandfather bought new in the 40s and 50s, and they work just like they did when they were new....they weren't made with plastic parts they knew would become brittle and break, they weren't made with the cheapest shit they could buy, they were made with quality parts, and still work to this day.
my grandpa kept a kenmore icebox working for 60 years. he fixed the compressor himself once, had a guy come in and fix some of the wiring when a mouse chewed through it....if he hadn't died, i have every confidence he would still be using it.
my dad kept a sears washer and drier running for almost 20 years before he broke down and let my mom buy a new set.
can't do that with the pressed together, cheap ass shit they make now.

do you never wait to check anything out before you start shouting it at the top of your lungs?
it literally took me one click to discredit this pile of i have to assume the answer is no, you read something then just start yelling about it like chicken little yelling about the falling sky
Waaay too ridiculous to be real... just another dumbass pro-lifer desperately grasping for anti-abortion ammo...
I’ve read horror stories about Tesla not selling 90% of their parts over the counter and that there’s a lawsuit going forward with people that are stuck with the cars and not allowed to fix them themselves.
Not as tho I could afford one anyway but even if they were free I’d steer clear of that customer service
Waaay too ridiculous to be real... just another dumbass pro-lifer desperately grasping for anti-abortion ammo...
I agree w abortion, stem cell research is amazing. Just not fond of gmo's, Roundup, chemtrails basic fuckery in the world today.
I'll still drink a Pepsi but goddam, taste fine before the symendix additives. Just greed and shitt ball tactics
Much like Monsanto etc.
Back to john deere.

I am a dumbass, u got 1 right!