John Travolta's son dies.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I do not suspect foul play. Stupidity for not acknowledging autism yes, but then again I'm not the kids doctor nor am I privy to the kids medical history and testing done on him (as I suspect none of you are either). Who are we to announce we KNOW it wasn't Kawasaki's?

For the record, I despise all organized religion.... including scientology, but that doesn't make me leap to the conclusion that their was foul play simply because of their beliefs.

Let the coroner do his job.

RIP Jett


stays relevant.
I do not suspect foul play. Stupidity for not acknowledging autism yes, but then again I'm not the kids doctor nor am I privy to the kids medical history and testing done on him (as I suspect none of you are either). Who are we to announce we KNOW it wasn't Kawasaki's?

Perhaps you weren't paying attention to the content in the article linked to on the 2nd page

Or is it just naivety?


New Member
Strangly enough, they've already cremated him and are bringing his ashes back to the US today. Those fast cremations always make me wonder. I guess that's why people choose the Bahamas as the only place to kill their family members.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Strangly enough, they've already cremated him and are bringing his ashes back to the US today. Those fast cremations always make me wonder. I guess that's why people choose the Bahamas as the only place to kill their family members.

If you are planning on having a service with a viewing prior to cremation then you have to embalm the body so it will be "fresh" for the service.

If you are not planning on a service with viewing of the body, or if you are against embalming (for whatever belief) then it's best to cremate right away.

I don't know what the Travolta's plans are for a service... but I'm guessing they had no desire to have their child's
dead body laid out and snaky people looking to get a photograph to sell to the tabloids.

I do not think they murdered their child and I have a lot of sympathy for them having to see all the headlines implying they did.

Everyone's an armchair physician and coroner. :roll: The truth of the matter is that all the media reports are "a close relative said this...." or "a physician (who is NOT Jett's doctor) says that".

Opinions are like assholes... everyone has one. Opinion does not equal fact. It seems the media all RUSHED to throw together their "reports"... jockeying to be the first with the story with the most titillating information... whether factual or not. Of course that's just my opinion ;)

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
The fact that the parents refused to admit their son had autism makes me suspicious.

I certainly understand that.

It's my thought that the only one to make that call about his diagnosis is his physician. Did they have some whacky Scientologist doctor who went along with their claims??? I don't know. Did they have a non Scientologist doctor who diagnosed him with Kawasaki's??? I don't know that either.

Seems the media all are reporting that family members had questioned the diagnosis.... but again... those family members are not the child's physician and not privy to the testing done on him or his private medical records. I certainly don't have access to my family members private medical records.

For all we know he may have been diagnosed with a multitude of illnesses and perhaps even autism (again I don't know). It could be that the Travolta's only publicized the diagnosis of Kawasaki's and kept other diagnoses to themselves. If that's the case then it's certainly within their rights... they have no obligation to make public his medical records.

I don't have all the information... and I don't consider the media reports as proven fact. It's just my belief that they did not murder their child.