Johnny Afghan-Tree


Well-Known Member
i have a quarter cup of seeds from last year. I've just discovered that my entire crop of about a dozen ten foot tall bushy plants are all seeded.

I have a fantasy of walking along the riverbank, public parks, nice landscaped areas, and randomly poking seeds in the soil. Pot seeds. Get the stuff to grow all over, drive the cops nuts and all the people who find the plants will be like, awesome!!

(It's a zero tolerance state.)

An anonymous way to spread the joy. :-)


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to do that. Especially on all the landscaped areas around freeway on/off ramps. College campuses, botanical gardens.. Yeah. Would be fun.


Well-Known Member
You dudes killing it scheming. That would be a hoot to see. Pot is growing everywhere!

On the down side. Then they might develop some genetically altered pollen or whatever and spray to sterilize the plants or something. Pot genocide bro. Not cool to buzz on. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
With the size of my plants (10' give or take) and number (I think 12) I imagine I'll have a LOT of seeds. I had a seven ounce bag of pot, but when I sorted it, I had several grams of seeds. That's where these plants came from. I still have most of those seeds, I will have plenty to plant randomly for fun. Even if it just amounted to a newspaper article about "police find another wild marijuana plant" it'd be a kick. Or put them in the yard of someone I don't like, along their "natural" landscaping... Wait till I see them look like pot plants, then anonymously call the police tip line. I'd actually neve do that, but it's fun to think on.. Insert evil grin here.