• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

johnny law


Active Member
Firsty, i would like to say this, the concept of policeing, and law and order is the basis of a successful sociaty. only a idiot would think this world would be ok without someone there to keep some of these fucking animals like this luka maggnotta sicko, paul bernardo, or any of the other nasty fucks out there out to do us and our children harm off the streets and in prison where THEY belong. for those unfamiliar with those names, those are canadian murderers (really disgusting little pieces of filth), i used thier names as im canadian, and they were the first to come to mind...

now on to the topic. i want to know why those dirty one time muthafuckas think they are at war with cannabis growers. They act like we deserve to have 20 pussys with guns come smashing thru your doors at 5 am and stick a gun in your face(or your wifes). this has nevere happened to me, but it happens. i know a guy whos dog was just growling at them, still sitting on the bed tho, and they shot the dog. 6 times. and by the way, it was a pomeranian or some other fluffy piece of shit like that. 2 officers fired at it 3 times each. not much of a threat to anyone. let alone a prick wearing BODY ARMOUR AND ARMED TO THE TEETH. i dont know a single grower who caries a firearm, unless its for wild animal defence. and thats usually out in the bush.

now if you are chasing after a russell williams,paul bernardo, or another sicko like that, go for it. throw that kinda pick out a second floor window for all i care, but why in gods name do they think its ok to treat us like that. if the police camly came to my door with 3 or 4 guys with a warrent and knocked on my door, and told me they wanted to search the joint, i would tell em to have at it. they got there warrent, and they showed courtesy, what reason could i possibly have to harm them, or cause any trouble for them. We pay their taxes, they protect us. it should be a mutual respect think. its so sad we live in a world were we allow gangs to run rampamt, poisoning people with smack and god knows whatelse, whole we jail people for growing flowers(and treat them worse than murderers). i guess its the curse of our time.


Active Member
And if i do get raided, i hope they dont feel the need to kill my horse, or my fierrsome gaurd rabbit. altho, out where i live i see cops maybe once erry couple months or so. out in the bush here, it takes em about 3 hours to come when you call em. lucky for me rural places in canada are so safe.


Well-Known Member
Because they are COWARDS!!!!
Theres a right way and a wrong way to do a job and they are all fat lazy assed cowards
who couldn't hold their salt against even a 12 year old girl in a fair fight.


Well-Known Member
Because they are COWARDS!!!!
Theres a right way and a wrong way to do a job and they are all fat lazy assed cowards
who couldn't hold their salt against even a 12 year old girl in a fair fight.
Damn, Dirt, did the earlier ranting get your blood all hot? :D


Well-Known Member
here's whats happend to me in the past year, 3 raids on my house withing 9 months, all cannabis related, first 2 times for procudtion of a controlled subtance and trafficing and 3 rd time cuz i was supposebly selling crack cocaine and marijuana outta my house hold...now this is after i was raided twice and spent 95 days in the city jail, think i woulda known better not to sell right? well i did!!! thats the wole fucking pooint!! i wasnt selling nothing i had about 9 grams of weed personal and no toher hard drugs, well i got raided by swat team and locked upo for another 30 days for a breach of probation and possesion of 9 grams of weed. lotta police work for 9 fucking grams of weed.....i think now they got the hint that im just a small time weed activist and will not stop smoking pot becasue they choose to put me in jail.. btw i was smoking puple kush, bubba kush, strawberry cough and all kinds og other super good herbs WHILE I WAS IN JAIL lol the sudbury jail has more drugs inside than there is on the streets, it doesnt solve any problems... and ive continued to grow herbs and ive continued to supply a few close friends with good quality medicine! fuck the law they aint gunna ruin my outlook on pot im dedicated and if going to jail is what happens when i stand up for sumthing i berlieve is healthy and safe than so be it!!!!! and now i even get treated like gold when i do end in the slammer cuz im always in the newspaper so im famously known as the kush man, or the dub man, standing up for what you belive in doesnt make you a criminal just because thatds what they classifie us as. dont let them fool you marijuana is harmeless. what ive learned the hard way is... never show anyone your plants! not even your close family, its like a get out of jail free card for ppl who get locked up on minor shit, its nuttin for them to give you up for a few plants! ive had 5 C.i's give the cops info on my plants cuz i like to brag.... dont shit where you eat! dats a big one! if ur growing where you sleep at night, dont be dealing outta the same spot, ur gunna get double the jail time if its not your first offence.. never pre- package your harvest in qps or hps keep all your bud together. production charges arnt so bad but with the added trafficing ur looking at jail for sure!,... well thats about it from my ezxperience, ohh and i got so paranoid last night when my neighboors where arguing upstairs i thought the cops might show up so i took down my light and everything and have them hiding in the dark lol yuuuup sucks being marked! its been 2 months ive been clean for ilegal activity and im just noticing that im not being watched anymore there finaly giving up on me! one time i walked out to go to the store, seen an undercover that was supposed to be surveilling me so i walked right up to his ford explorer and knocked on the driver window, he rolled it down and said uhh whats up? i said "could i help yah out wit sumthing bro? i seen yah parked here for an hour like your lost?" undercover reply's " ohh no thanks man im just waiting for my friend across the street to come down im supposed to give her a ride sumwhere.. thanks anyways though!" and then i walk around the corner of a building and stop, peak around the corner and sure enough dude puts on his seatbelt, starts his suv and drives off, ALONE with about 7-8 cig butts on the ground outside of his window.... yeaaaaah i like fucking with them! :) hahahaha true story my word. ide get yal too google my name but i dont wanna put it on here lol


Well-Known Member
Damn, Dirt, did the earlier ranting get your blood all hot? :D
Na my Dad was a cop and his Bro was a Judge and both would roll in their graves if they knew the crap that some of these
Back with my Dad you'd loose your pot and given a ride outta town if you lived in the town he'd take you home and let your parents deal
with the problem. The first 1 or 2 times anyway.
My uncle would have some kid show up for being drunk in public and he would assign the teen 1 or 2 days of cleaning up the highway
and not get a record..
Now it's all about kickin in teeth and playing GI Joe on the weekends.
Let's fuck up some ones life today!!!!!!!!!
Okay rant off..


Active Member
Yah, i havent got any guns(bow and arrow tho, it works and no bang bangs), and i havent got a dog. I just hope the police wouldnt have any reason to hert a rabbit. some of them are pretty sick, so i wouldnt be surpeised if they claimed she was hissing and vrowling and presented a deadly threat. and for those who dont know, rabbits cant hiss or growl. and they cant vomit, so id say they cant really be threatening in anyway. altho, when you are covered in body armour and carrying a 12 gauge pump, anything can sudenly jump out and inflict a mortal wound to your person.
who knows what is lurking around every corner just waiting for them? i seen a yeti hiding in a. Closet once, and i know that bastard was a danger, so im gonna spray every pantry and closet with gunfire so he cant get me.

sounde perfectly reasonable.....

while they are at it why dont they tie up my wife and run a train on her, man i hate todays police and their attitude.
its like they can do anything to us, and they own us. and even if we try to tell somone, no one cares. its hurting

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Na my Dad was a cop and his Bro was a Judge and both would roll in their graves if they knew the crap that some of these
Back with my Dad you'd loose your pot and given a ride outta town if you lived in the town he'd take you home and let your parents deal
with the problem. The first 1 or 2 times anyway.
My uncle would have some kid show up for being drunk in public and he would assign the teen 1 or 2 days of cleaning up the highway
and not get a record..
Now it's all about kickin in teeth and playing GI Joe on the weekends.
Let's fuck up some ones life today!!!!!!!!!
Okay rant off..
did it matter if you were black/hispanic? these days it makes a big difference.


Well-Known Member
My former neighbor was a retired cop, he was in his 70's 8 years ago. He would tell me stories about processing hippies after demonstrations. He also said in the old days repeat offenders (not the hippies) were sometimes given an option of being taken to an abandoned house and beat up or jail. He told me that you would be surprised how many people took the beat up option.


New Member
fuck the pigs.They are the original gang members.Think about it,they are the biggest gang out there


Global Moderator
Staff member
rabbits cant hiss or growl. and they cant vomit, so id say they cant really be threatening in anyway. altho, when you are covered in body armour and carrying a 12 gauge pump, anything can sudenly jump out and inflict a mortal wound to your person.
Apparently you don't know how foul tempered those beast's can be.


Bear Country

Well-Known Member
In my state.....as of late anyway.....the Cops have been on the news more then the so called criminals. We have had several high profile cases of police officer's being the perpetrator's of heinous crimes....in one case.....the officer clamied that he came home and found that his wife had commited suicide....she supposedly used HIS police dept issued firearm....thank god for a good forensic dept who put things together and the DA's office has now pressed charges on this worthless prick......and the list of SHIT goes on and on and on. The fact is that these guys are no different then anyone else....with one HUGE exception.....They have the right to carry a gun....they have the almighty badge and in some cases .....an ego the size of Texas and the itch to FUCK peoples lives up because they can and in most cases they do and get away with it.....I'm not saying that all police officers are this way but like everything else.....you have your worthless fucks in there to.....There is corruption at many levels of our society's......it exists...it's out there...it's the world we live in today......I consider myself fortunate in the sense that I to live out in the sticks and I'm more likely to have problems from a mountain critter then any cop.....but I'm not ignorant to what is going on around us all......I have a friend who is a instructor at one of my states universities.....teaches Political Science.....Always says....the last place you want to find yourself tangled up in, is our justic system....once your mixed up in there....your pretty much Fucked...no matter how you look at it!!!!


Active Member
I would like to mention one thing. the only thing that really scares me about police raids it this: they are coming in ten or ten or twenty muthafuckas, and they are all coming inheavy. when you are by yourself and ylur in deep, surrounded by a bunch of dudes that would love to just light you up so they can run around talking about how tgey took out some dope grower, like they shot bin laden. why do you need to smash in our doors, come in 20 muthafackas, and do us the way they do. They act like its the right thing when they are using any excuse to terrorize the people who pay them to protect then from the real threat. i dont believe in conspiracy therories like bush organized 9/11. but what i will say it, there is some knid of force that is causing this plight. and it sounds like greed and ignorane to me. police think they will lose budget if they dont have to chase weed, weed growers etc. and they lose all that sittimg on they ass time lurking around getting paid to stalk our houses and invade our privacy(over flowers, are you sreious?). you know what, they woildnt lose a dime of budget. if they used they geads, instaed of paying for weed growers, users, traders, etc, you could be paying to put rapists away longer. and treating them harsher. they are the decay of human society. the police could be takeing those millioms wasted chasing us, when they could be actually tackling organized crimes, human slave trade, hard drugs, or kidnappers, child molesters, rapists, or any or the pieces of filth we have to share this earth with.

a side note. i have seen how they treat high profile criminals. Paul bernardo(the scarboro ralist) a most disgusting shitbag, who raped and murdered a 15 year old girl, in front of his wife(his accomplice, and the girls older siter. karla homolka served 12 years for this. im not a violent person, and i wouldnt hit a woman, but that thing is not a human being and if we crossed paths she would be lucky to escape with her life. the fact that prosecutsrs gave her a deal to give evidence against paul when they already had a slam dunk case and could have put em both away for life makes me and erry canandian ive ever talked to abot this sick.

and then they treat us like we are the problem. get a grip


Global Moderator
Staff member
I'd really like to read your post but I'm tempted to do a TL/DR due to the wall of text.
Break it up some & add punctuation.
No shit, I really want to, just can't.


Active Member
Apparently you don't know how foul tempered those beast's can be.

bunnys are awesome. the best pet ever. just dont let the little muthafuckas in your grow area. they will eat errything they can reach. and trust me, tgey like the ganja. and if ya dont believe me, ask any outdoor grower, deer and bunnys are a crops #1 enemy. they cand do more danage faster than mites. locusts are still worse, but where i live, those bitches dont live, so bunnys, deer and mites are tgo outdoor pests of note. The only thing i ever seen a bunny savage was a plant.
sidenote, bunnys are excellent at disposing of males fore you(and happy to do so at no cost) , so say if your house was being watched, instead of throwing evidance in the trash for the law to bag up, or flushing down your ownshitter and plugging it, and having to pay for it to be be unfucked, why not just kill two birds with one stone and feed your bunny.

chasing bunnys in a field once made me realize they are here for a reason. and its nort to be eaten by foxes. Maybe they here so me can love em and take care of em, and they can take care of us back. loooove bunnies. just watch them eat a carrot. you coukd be the biggest tough guy ever, yoir heart will still melt. and after, you will always love bu.nies:-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)


Active Member
Sorry about the bad puctuation. i type on a tiny phobe screen thafs tempermental. i can never get it to put the cursoer where i want to edit shit. and sorry i talk so long. im just like that. And i had a beer with a neihbour, so now im mr super talkative. i normally carry on forever when i got something to say, but the ber makes the irish blood boil. a couple pints and you really cant shut me up.

Super Toker

Active Member
I agree most cops are assholes. My Dad was a policeman growing up and I have Red hair so I had to fight every day because of that. I had my ass beat and I kicked ass too. When I got older I started carrying a blade and would cut you quick because more than one person at at a time was hard to deal with and I got tired of being messed with and people thinking I was a narc.As I got older people seen I was cool and I didnt have to get my friends to get me smoke anymore. My dad has been gone a long time but he was no pussy, with or wothout the badge he was tough. He was one of those guys that after it was over you knew you you screwed up and made a mistake getting on his bad side. Im not taking up for the police but my dad was fair unless you gave him Shit and then God help you.