Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
Don't you have a lame, rip-off bakery to run?
You weird out the customers here.
<Eyeballs the clock on the wall>Egga muffin
Yeah, that's it.JohnnyO were you talking about the Great Buffalo Bakery thread? I just saw it in Toke N Talk, and I've never seen it before it just me, or does that thread have an INSANELY high number of views for a thread that doesn't seem very popular, with more than 2 people anyways.
The special order has not arrived as yet.
I hope to have some Dandelion and Burdock in stock soon.
<Slides a bag across the counter to Woo>
Is it too late for a piping hot Darjeeling?
I have a Bedtime Blend if that would suit you better.
<Eyeballs the clock on the wall>
JohnnyO's eggamuffin coming right up.
Hey Johnny, if you're here then it must be my bedtime! *looks at clock, 00:59am* maybe 10 minutes more then..Darjeeling sounds great to me
Evening all..