Joint County Swat Searches


Are any of you lawyers cuz some of you don't sound like ones at all and if a cop came to your door and you opened it and he smelled some medical it's probable cause now you exercise your rights of no warrant no search well guess what now its obstructing so if you have your card give him a walk thru if you are cooperating with state law now since this is a illegal search no evidence obtained in this search can be used against you this is Michigan law (I am not a lawyer but know a few so take it how it is) so he counts he looks he leaves big deal......unless its the Feds than you better be under fifty plants or your ass is in trouble.....


Well-Known Member

[h=1]Photos of dead police officer posted outside Tennessee farm[/h]Two brothers who shot and killed a sheriff's deputy have placed photos of the slain lawman outside the entrance of their farm, calling it a "warning" to other law enforcement officials.
The Associated Press reports that the photos show the "bullet-riddled bodies" of Roane County Deputy Bill Jones and ride-along Mike Brown, who were shot and killed on May 11, 2006, after arriving at the home of Rocky Houston to deliver an arrest warrant.
"It goes without saying that any public display on their own property of these photos in whatever manner by the Houstons is despicable and certainly runs counter to the Houstons' claims of innocence," District Attorney General Russell Johnson said in a news release.
However, it also appears that the sign is perfectly within the Houstons' First Amendment rights.
"We are trying to report federal crimes, and we feel like our plea has fallen on deaf ears," Rocky Houston told AP.
Rocky and Leon Houston were acquitted of murder charges when prosecutors were unable to prove that they fired first after Jones and Brown entered their property. The Houston brothers insist that the two men showed up to kill them and opened fire without warning.
Both brothers were acquitted in separate trials in 2009 and 2010. However, Brown's family was awarded $5 million in damages in a wrongful death suit against the Houstons, which was settled in April 2012.
Chief Deputy Tim Phillips, who was friends with Jones, says the posted images are painful to view. "To see anybody, let alone someone that you knew, someone who wears the same uniform and does the same job as you, it's really disturbing to see that whether it's on a billboard or whether it's on the Internet. It's awful," Phillips told local TV outlet WATE.
The Houston brothers obtained copies of the crime scene photos during their trial and have posted them, along with various legal documents, on at least six different locations on their property.
A local resident briefly posted the photos to Facebook, but they were removed after a request from Johnson.


Well-Known Member
Any chance the scan unit would reconsider their game if faced with such a sign? May be they'd rethink shooting my dogs knowing the danger such poses justifies return fire in the protection of ones family.



Well-Known Member


Photos of dead police officer posted outside Tennessee farm

Two brothers who shot and killed a sheriff's deputy have placed photos of the slain lawman outside the entrance of their farm, calling it a "warning" to other law enforcement officials.
The Associated Press reports that the photos show the "bullet-riddled bodies" of Roane County Deputy Bill Jones and ride-along Mike Brown, who were shot and killed on May 11, 2006, after arriving at the home of Rocky Houston to deliver an arrest warrant.
"It goes without saying that any public display on their own property of these photos in whatever manner by the Houstons is despicable and certainly runs counter to the Houstons' claims of innocence," District Attorney General Russell Johnson said in a news release.
However, it also appears that the sign is perfectly within the Houstons' First Amendment rights.
"We are trying to report federal crimes, and we feel like our plea has fallen on deaf ears," Rocky Houston told AP.
Rocky and Leon Houston were acquitted of murder charges when prosecutors were unable to prove that they fired first after Jones and Brown entered their property. The Houston brothers insist that the two men showed up to kill them and opened fire without warning.
Both brothers were acquitted in separate trials in 2009 and 2010. However, Brown's family was awarded $5 million in damages in a wrongful death suit against the Houstons, which was settled in April 2012.
Chief Deputy Tim Phillips, who was friends with Jones, says the posted images are painful to view. "To see anybody, let alone someone that you knew, someone who wears the same uniform and does the same job as you, it's really disturbing to see that whether it's on a billboard or whether it's on the Internet. It's awful," Phillips told local TV outlet WATE.
The Houston brothers obtained copies of the crime scene photos during their trial and have posted them, along with various legal documents, on at least six different locations on their property.
A local resident briefly posted the photos to Facebook, but they were removed after a request from Johnson.

I bet the next officer to pay them a visit calls first! I don't wanna say serves them right, but........ watch how you act in someones elses castle!


New Member
Are any of you lawyers cuz some of you don't sound like ones at all and if a cop came to your door and you opened it and he smelled some medical it's probable cause now you exercise your rights of no warrant no search well guess what now its obstructing so if you have your card give him a walk thru if you are cooperating with state law now since this is a illegal search no evidence obtained in this search can be used against you this is Michigan law (I am not a lawyer but know a few so take it how it is) so he counts he looks he leaves big deal......unless its the Feds than you better be under fifty plants or your ass is in trouble.....
Never had much contact with LEO have you?

I'll just say from experience you are wrong.

Did the bullies on the play ground play fair and follow the rules.