Joint Doctor's Newest Creation!


Well-Known Member
dude i dont know what your chip is on that shoulder of yours... i dont need to prove myself to you!!! the one thing im shit at is computers and the 1 thing im good at is growing weed. its my pashion!!! this is not my biggest plant but that will folow after iv been to the isle of wight festival... thats more important than trying to prove myself to someone whom rather than asking how it happened you would rather just slam me down well i know and you will see... heres just something for you 2 look at...right you sed no scale chainsaw good enought 4 you as for the rest there lowryder you lemon i do claim ????eny way i got a festy 2 go to so pray and bow for ure a doubter not a lerner so creep away heres the pics wat that the wimper of your mouse lemon shaped bellend lol lol lol lollove peace erazerhedd lol lol the ones that shout the most no nothing lol lol lol its bin funny bye bye


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Well-Known Member
don't see anything to judge it as far as scale goes... i can put my camera close to a plant and get a pic just like that.... put a lighter next to your plants you claim are the biggest.

nothing to make me believe thats a lowryder without an over all picture of the plants.....

as far as i'm concerned your shit smells just as bad as mine.
jst look u fool what else grows a ft tall u bell end errrrrlowrder fuk ure a sad fuk


Well-Known Member
lol.... yeah i see your lowryders... looks like about five or six of em with one larger one in the back.... looking at it compared to the brick work next to it and the amount of light that isn't reaching the bottom because of crowding i do not believe you got three ounces off one plant.... further more your pictures of other plants have nothing to do with getting three ounces off a lowryder..... even though they are nice.

by the way... this thread was to let people know about diesel ryder.... not lowryder 1 or 2.

mr west

Well-Known Member
im smoking some lowryder diesel right now cuz of this thread, Cheers DrZoid. And can I say that its a groovey smelly gets u shitfaced kinda smoke lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
im really stoned at the min, im set for a few days at least lol. It kinda kreeps up on u after a few joints and sends you to sleep if ur too cummfy on the sofa, very strong tatse, bit peppery but that might be the green in it quick dried it kinda lol

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
Here's a couple pics of some outdoor diesel ryders. The plant in the last picture is a phenotype thats got bigger budz and a lot more hairs than all the others. They are 5 weeks old and have just been pollinated, they kinda smell like sour apples.

