Jomal206 - First grow! Cross your fingers!!


Well-Known Member
people are going 12/12 at a month and talking about a good compact harvest. its probably not a bad idea especially with limited space.

i have been building my rooms as i go so i can adjust a little here and there, but if these plants blow up to twice their size while in 12/12 itll get tight. its kind of why im only flowering two at a time.

i also waited so i could get some female clones. once these clones get growing i plan to 12/12 them at like six inches or so.

my first clone sucess is like 3 weeks old already and only 31/2 inches tall, but its a definate female and fully mature. i might be my new mom who knows.


Well-Known Member
See I haven't put any though into cloning....if I decided to grow again it'll be a toss in the bucket as to what I get in the end

I'm thinking about starting 12/12 after a month....but that would only leave me another 10 days or so in plants look VERY small still and I wouldn't think they'd be able to produce any bud.....


Do you really think letting them go 10 more days and flowering I'll get anything worth smoking?


Well-Known Member
im really no authority, ive only got this far once before and then, like a fool, never got rid of the males. the plants looked good too 4 and 5 ft tall and they produced mostly seeds. to be honest i had no idea what a male looked like until my crop was ruined.

but i had no help then like now.

go look at crazy mentals latest grow. theyre about a month old and in 12/12, but theyre a little sick now. keep in mind that they are supposed to double or triple in size during flower, which makes sense having two more months or so to flower.


Well-Known Member
have you thought of puting one in 12/12 first, then another in two weeks, and again twoweeks later?

its kind of what im doing two by two til i have enough clones to sog.


Well-Known Member
Yeah as for the flowering thing; I know they're supposed to get bigger. I need to get that into my head I's all still experimental IMO so if I get anything worthwhile out of it I'll be happy

I do expect them to bulk up here in the next week or two though. They're really seeming to adapt to the new pots well

I'll keep the pics coming, thanks for the support ;)

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I have 3 that are about 2 weeks into flowering and they are growing pretty damn fast! I have 2 others that were pretty small that I threw in there just to make room for others in the vegging area, and they are not doing shit. I'd say try to veg for as long as you can. I've read that when they reach maturity they will start getting alternating branches, rather than pairs that match on each side, and should show the sex too. That may save you some space in the flowering room and slow things down a bit. I have space problems too, so I'm not transplanting into the 2 gallons until I know the sex.

Sorry I just smoked a blizzy and realized I was going on and on, my bad, but you get the point.


Well-Known Member
I think if you want anything worth your while veg longer than a month, it could be strain dependent but all my girls in flower hasn't grown much since I put them into flower, they basically stopped growing upward, I did not have to lift my light fixture as I thought I would witch is a good thing because it was starting to be a pain in the ass...

This does not mean that your plants won't continue to grow or double in size, do as you will but if you only have a handul of plants I'm thinking it would be wise to veg as long as possible, most people who veg less are growing lots of plants such as the "SOG" method! or has not enough room..


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone

You're right Hum since I've only got 2 or 3 depending on how things go I should probably let 'em go for a while


Well-Known Member
Bad news!!!

Woke up this morning and one of my plants' leaves is starting to turn a weird color and it's curling up really high. I went to touch one side and it completely broke off like it was really really dry. I just watered yesterday but I had seen these signs before I actually watered, so I don't think it's that. It's really only bad on one of the plants...hopefully it stays that way....

Thoughts? It's the last one.....



New Member
my plants have the same shit... but yours look excellent compared to mine i would check the hum/temp in the grow room along with ph and make sure your not over/under watering... take each factor out as you go till your left with 1 problem...also.. top of soil may not reflect moisture of lower soil. i think i may pick up a moisture meter for myself that way i know im not fucking up


Well-Known Member
my leaves turned crispy pretty quick with mg deficiency. it started in the middle of the plant then i started getting dry spots on all my fan leaves.

if thats the case epsom salt works pretty well.

does your ph check out?


Well-Known Member
Well I flushed my plants

I was appalled at what came out of the pots......the water was so dark and smelt like chemicals......yay blood meal LOL

Here's a pic

Hopefully they'll survive....I guess I'll know better for next time



Well-Known Member
You have no idea that was a pic when most of it had subsided it was all over the bathtub LOL and it smelled like hair dye

I flushed them until the water was pretty clear and now I'm just gonna wait.....