Jorge Cervantes .. Why so much negative talk about a seemingly cool guy?

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
I thought that this dude was the business about weed growing I've heard people speaking greatly about him for eons... Now, not so much !! Is he just an old hasbeen or is he like some guru of growing and people are jealous ... What do you have to say , I dont want to bash the guy nor is that the intention of this post. I really do want to know why/how or if his popularity has diminished..


Well-Known Member
He's still a popular guy in the growing field. It's just that he's not the only one that knows how to grow anymore lol. Lots of other people with different idea's out there now that the interwebs are around.


Sector 5 Moderator
He used to be a big fish in a little pond; now he's a little fish in a big pond. I bought his DVD and it's ok but nothing to write home about. Nobody is immune from trash talk on the internet. I know it's hard to believe but there are people here that have actually called me names. :)


New Member
Jorge is DA MAN! in my book. But Danny Danko and many others are being passed the torch now. Back in the day what Ed Rosenthal said was the gospel truth. There are just some new ideas and information available. That does not make what he said invalid or even obsolete. But as the techniques develop and improve so does the potency of the product. And how can that ever be a bad thing?


Well-Known Member
A bit of both a and b?, i like the analogy of the pond above, and of course some people who dont like him are going to take the chance to go after him now that he's not as revered as in the past.