josh24 1st timer Grow journal CFL


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i might let them go a little bit longer before I switch them over, i'll see how they are doing, I just gave them a nice watering with full dose pro grow and full dose liquid karma, it's a pretty strong strain


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yes, not a doubt in my mind that that plant can take full strength now...its prolly been begging for it..


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plants have a little something wrong with the bottom leaves, they are are a little crispy and flake when you rub the discolored part, and the other really small fan leaves in the inner nodes are curling downwards and getting spots on them, take a look and see if you can help me, but overall they still look good, i just don't want anything to keep progressing, I flushed them today and feed them with the nutes, LK and cal-mag, still in veg 32 days old or 4 weeks and 2 days old which ever way you want to see it



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Dosent look as bad as u said, but everything looks good... I don't like pics 4,8 but I'm not sure what caused it. My best guess it nute water gettin on the leaf


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it's been a day and they are not looking any worse so that's good, i'll try using just regular ph'd water for a couple waterings so it gets better, i'm going to switch to 12/12 tomorrow, 5 weeks is old enough don't you think?


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must say im a little disappointed in you impatience...but your grow your rules...and i think its safe to say there is no nute burn;-)


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Also wonderin if you were still Gonna give them some molasses or maple syrup for some sugars/carbos? I think the LK has a good amount in it but more is better

EDIT:i think this is what your plant will look like when its done...