JP's 400w HPS cool tube legit closet grow

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
If this is on the lower branch, it looks like Magnesium deficiency. What kind of water are you using? If it's processed or RO, it may be lacking in some of the core metals. You'll have to add CalMag+. This is true if you're growing in coco too. My understanding is that you have to use CalMag more often than not. You could also use epsom salts, but I don't know the dosing to do this.

How is the dirt, is it drying out completely before you water again? Those leaves are bending down like a claw like over watering.

I know there will be some argument from others, but are you checking your pH? I pH my nutes to 6.0. Some people say you don't have to check in soil but I don't see how you NOT check. The nutrients are only available in certain PH ranges, and I've seen people's water come out of the tap as high as 8. I would check your PH as well, and use a meter. I know they're expensive but if it fixes the problem, it will be worth it.

You're hydro guy may give you a small sample of CalMag if you want to try it out and see if it helps, it takes a week or so to get over a magnesium deficiency.


Active Member
I have barely been watering because I put them in large pots first, I didnt gradually step up the size which i should have done in retrospect. So They are not drying out at all but i havent watered in 6 days probably. Its starting to dry a little bit but is definitely damp deeper in the pot. I live in the rockymountain foothills so we have really good tap water. I know a lot of long time growers and all of them use tap water with great success. I have a PH meter but i I don't think it works very well. It will give me 2 different readings in the same pot within 5 minutes of each other. Should i give them a dose of FF grow big or big bloom?? I don't want to over water but I don't want the defficiency to get worse. Also I feel like they haven't been in soil long enough to develop a defficiency.


Active Member
Btw, I last night I raised the light 8 inches or so and turned the humidifier up a bit in order to lower the temp a few degrees. I just checked on them and the yellow spots have turned brownish and congealed into some larger patches. Not sure if this could be a mag deficiency progressing or heat stress healing...


Active Member
Hey everyone, back to update with some pics. I topped about 10 days ago if not longer and the 4 stocks are growing strong on th 2 larger plants. Im planning on switching to flower in about 10 days. any thoughts? The smallest plant seems to be healthy but is growing really slow. I am debating just getting rid of that one and vegging the 2 plants a little longer. Input on this would be helpful. Any questions comments or concerns are always appreciated +rep for everyone.
Thanks again

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Looking good so far. Great job on training. How tall are they?

Why would you get rid of the little one? I would just elevate it to match the canopy, but unless it's sick, it will still produce bud. Some of the best plants have been short and bushy.


Active Member
They are about a foot tall from the soil right now and the cannopy is a little over a foot in diameter. I was thinking about scrapping the little one just because the space is small and I didnt want her to be choked out by the 2 bigger girls. Ill probably keep it though because its not sick, it actually looks like the strongest of the 3 by looking at the leaves and new growth. These girls are hard to train though man, I accidentally split a couple nodes trying to bend the stalks. hopefully this will have a supercropping effect but we shall see. Looking forward to flowering these girls. Ill be back in a few days with an update of the progress. Once flowering begins Ill do them a lot more.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
A trick I learned was to roll the stem back and forth a little in between your fingers, sligly crushing the stem as you do. It's basically a straw shape, so eve tually the walls weaken and you can bend the plants without breaking them. I found that you have to work an aa about 1 1/2" - 2" to get a good tight radius without snapping anything.

Ironically enough, the only reason I have a clone of my best QrazyTain is because I snapped off the top during a training session and I had to save it. I didn't follow my own advice and tried to manhandle it. Now I can bend them in perfect 90* or even twist them 90* around the stem to expose both side shoots to the light without a single problem. Like I said, weaken it first and weaken it about an in inch either direction from where you want to bend it.


Active Member
thanks for the tip man, This is my first real grow with a HID system and the plants are way heartier and stockier than previous clf grows. My last grow, I trained the plants after they were 2+ feet and they bent over with no problem, these one not so much haha. I managed to save the branch i broke though by tying it up and together so we shall see how it heals. hopefully in a stronger larger joint.
Thanks again

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Yeah I did notice that my T-5 grow stems are not much thicker than when i first flipped them to flower, but my Qrazy Trains are fat, hard to train, and generally want to pop back up from whatever bending I do. I didn't realize how much of a differene the light made on the stem strength.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Oh and with your heights, I would flower whenever you're ready, that's a good height to start at. I flipped when they were 14" - 18", and that was right on the edge of where I should have flipped. I also am seeing more stretch in week 2 than 1 lately, weird.


Active Member
Just a quick update,
Did a bit of undergrowth pruning and retied a bunch of branches today to adapt a few more branches with new considerable growth, all in all its comming along well. Im leaving for the holidays so Im having a buddy and fellow grower, take care of them while im gone. because of this im going to turn them to flower on 12-21. below are some new pics i just took. enjoy!



Active Member
Hey everyone,
I am starting flower as of 10am tmrw. I shut the lights off this morning for 24hrs of dark and they will turn on tmrw morning. I have never tried this so I though I'd give it a shot. I took some pics yesterday. One of them got a little thristy which you can see on the far right in the pics. I also flushed them with 4 gallons of ph'd water each just to rinse any salts out that may have built up durring veg, cause I will be upping the nutes here shortly. There is also a pic of the canopy after they got some water. Looking forward to the next 2 months.




Active Member
They have been averaging about a foot above the canopy during veg and they aren't showing any heat stress. I want to keep them as close as possible in order to keep stretch to a minimum. ISS is a super heavy sativa and its naturally pretty lanky.


Active Member
Hey everyone,
Just got back last night. The lights turned on this morning and what a difference! They doubled in size while I was gone and smell fantastic! I am going to pull them out later to water and possibly prune the bottom growth. Its day 25 of flower, do you think it will stress them too much if i prune the undergrowth? Its a heavy sativa that has a 70 day flower period. I'll post pics later tonight when I water them.


Active Member
Hey everyone,
Just got back last night. The lights turned on this morning and what a difference! They doubled in size while I was gone and smell fantastic! I am going to pull them out later to water and possibly prune the bottom growth. Its day 25 of flower, do you think it will stress them too much if i prune the undergrowth? Its a heavy sativa that has a 70 day flower period. I'll post pics later tonight when I water them.


Active Member
Hey everyone,
Below are the pics I promised earlier. I pruned a lot of the under growth because my buddy wasnt putting that much detail into his duties. I also cleaned the room and raised the fan and thermometer ect... Overall, its looking good, nice and frosty for day 25. You might notice some damage in one of the pics. My room is pretty automated so my buddy only had to come by twice a week, so that particular top grew up into the fan and was shredded slightly when he found it. Other than that all is well. Enjoy the porn haha!
