She probably has so much capsaicin running through her veins it doesnt effect her like it would one of us. Though, yeah Im not rubbing any sort of chilis on my fucking face intentionally.
When my cousin was young my aunt used to give him a jalapeno to eat, like when he cursed, he got to the point of eating them and laughing at her. Didnt take long actually.
My girls lil sister liked jalapenos like kids like pickles when she was like under or at 2 yrs old.
Jalapenos might not be that hot, but for a 2 yr old....:fire:
For sure. Yeah I was thinking like 3/4 teaspoon per liter or a tablespoon+ per gallon.
That sounds about right, I dont think the spray bottle I have is even 1/2 Liter and I put about 1/2 teaspoon of superhot powder. When I used chili sauce (like habanero la hot sauce or similar to tabasco I used a tablespoon) Tbs per gallon wouldnt hurt anything. The way I look at it, its a natural control so not worries if its a little strong. Ive not noticed any difference or issues with plants after. Rasta Roy says it cleaned up his garden good after he did it. There werent any whiteflies on any of those plants today :). Will hit them again tomorrow probably, but I really need to get myself a pump sprayer, spray bottle sucks.
That sounds about right, I dont think the spray bottle I have is even 1/2 Liter and I put about 1/2 teaspoon of superhot powder. When I used chili sauce (like habanero la hot sauce or similar to tabasco I used a tablespoon) Tbs per gallon wouldnt hurt anything. The way I look at it, its a natural control so not worries if its a little strong. Ive not noticed any difference or issues with plants after. Rasta Roy says it cleaned up his garden good after he did it. There werent any whiteflies on any of those plants today :). Will hit them again tomorrow probably, but I really need to get myself a pump sprayer, spray bottle sucks.
Yeah im sick of the harsh chemicals like azamax. It's good to have for a total infestation but I have a minor mite problem that is right on the verge of eradication so I think chilis and or very hot hot sauce like ghost chili hot sauce might be my next step. Ghost chilis are an Indian variety of pepper I believe, very fucking hot stuff. My brother has a bottle he won't eat since it's too hot. He puts hot sauce on everything. He picked that up in the marine core. I seen him put hot sauce on beef stew once lmao.

Up on the roof with a spray bottle lmao I could see that. Pump sprayers are tits just don't over pump them. I did that once and cracked the bottom, shit sprayed everywhere. I used a spray bottle at first but then I realized I was not getting the bottoms of the leaves as much as I should so I grabbed the pump sprayer since it has the wand with curved tip I can get much better coverage without having to crawl around under the plants. Definitely one of the best gardening tools to have.
My right forearm is huge from pumping that fukn spray bottle this round :). Yep Ghosts are Indian, they be HOT. I have some ghost powder and another one which is just a level under the Ghost. I get pretty good coverage as I sit down right in the middle of the plants and flip the smaller girls over and the bigger girls I just bathe them like I was giving myself a bath. After I finished bathing them I dumped the rest around the stems. Chili spray should work well for you. I would keep some nuclear shit around if it was available, but I dont have anything right now, so this is about as nuclear as I can get. As Ive said before though, if you stay on top of your IPM game, never need to get nuclear....or shouldnt have to
That sounds about right, I dont think the spray bottle I have is even 1/2 Liter and I put about 1/2 teaspoon of superhot powder. When I used chili sauce (like habanero la hot sauce or similar to tabasco I used a tablespoon) Tbs per gallon wouldnt hurt anything. The way I look at it, its a natural control so not worries if its a little strong. Ive not noticed any difference or issues with plants after. Rasta Roy says it cleaned up his garden good after he did it. There werent any whiteflies on any of those plants today :). Will hit them again tomorrow probably, but I really need to get myself a pump sprayer, spray bottle sucks.
I used to use a spray bottle and gave me cramped hands after a while.
Now I have a mini pump and a large pump sprayer
Yeah im sick of the harsh chemicals like azamax. It's good to have for a total infestation but I have a minor mite problem that is right on the verge of eradication so I think chilis and or very hot hot sauce like ghost chili hot sauce might be my next step. Ghost chilis are an Indian variety of pepper I believe, very fucking hot stuff. My brother has a bottle he won't eat since it's too hot. He puts hot sauce on everything. He picked that up in the marine core. I seen him put hot sauce on beef stew once lmao.

Up on the roof with a spray bottle lmao I could see that. Pump sprayers are tits just don't over pump them. I did that once and cracked the bottom, shit sprayed everywhere. I used a spray bottle at first but then I realized I was not getting the bottoms of the leaves as much as I should so I grabbed the pump sprayer since it has the wand with curved tip I can get much better coverage without having to crawl around under the plants. Definitely one of the best gardening tools to have.
I put hot sauce/peppers/powders on everything even spaghetti
Im more of a red pepper flake kinda guy. Hot sauce is good on some things but I still haven't found one that really amazes me taste wise. I use red paper flake on all kinds of stuff. Pizza, lasagna, teriyaki chicken, all kinds of stuff.
I get flakes stuck in my teeth sometimes and its annoying.
Thee arent many hot sauces that are HOT and still taste good, and thats why I make my own
It's also good on eggs, Cheetos, grilled cheese, squash, and anything deep-fried including Oreos and snickers bars
lmfao I never had a deep fried oreo or snickers bar but I sure woulnt be opposed to it! I make my own chicken fingers and fries once in a great while and I could tell u that dipping the chicken if hot sauce instead of a egg wash works really nicely!
Depends, but maybe carrot juice or mango or just distilled water.
I add some seasonings like onion powder and or garlic
i buy most of my spices in bulk since i do a lot of barbecue and cooking in general and onion and garlic powder are used daily. I usually make my own salsa and can it for winter.
Yeah I make salsa with super hots and have eaten it and forgot and rubbed my itchy eyes and made them ed and fucked!
And that lady is a crazy mofo!
I cut up 14 carolina reapers last friday holding chillis with tongs and cutting therefore no contact made
Next day after rinsing off the chopping board i put it into my dishwasher and rubbed my eyes a few mins in the eyes ! Even the next day it bit me in the arse
I cut up 14 carolina reapers last friday holding chillis with tongs and cutting therefore no contact made
Next day after rinsing off the chopping board i put it into my dishwasher and rubbed my eyes a few mins in the eyes ! Even the next day it bit me in the arse
Those damn peppers are no joke.
Cooking with them will kill your lungs also