Sweet bro!
Thats a crazy ass price, better be fire!!
Havent tried anything any of those.
Yeah crazy is right. Now that I am starting to toss a little pollen I almost see no need for buying seeds unless I really want to add a specific flavor into the garden. I'm more excited about my crosses than anything I could buy at the moment lol. It's kinda a nice feeling, self sufficient sorta.
Man I have debated deleting that shit so many times. Every post about seeds he claims he is popping 5 or 10 packs of each strain.....like dude u lie at ur ass almost as much as some other crack smokers I know. We should link them up lmfao. Plus he always is whining like a cunt about shit talkers. He the kinda guy that wouldn't piss in ur mouth if ur teeth were on fire. I bet he is such a whiney bitch in person, type of guy who sends food back 3 times and wonders why it taste....off lmfao.
LMAO I know some people he could link up with
I just use an app on my phone. Seems to work well enough. Kinda fun to listen to once in awhile.
Ill lkook and see if theres an app for my local stuff
Yeah im looking forward to the wallet savings. Buying seeds is an addiction until u realize u can make ur own fairly easily for nothing.
I havent bought the high dollar ones some have, but I have spent a lot for my budget.
I havent really even popped many of the ones I made yet or most of the ones I bought
I hear ya. I think he did say in his thread he wasn't using that alien male anymore.

Imo I think he should've let the testers give him feedback before having them available for sale. Issue such as that are the reasons why breeders get reamed lol

The whole point of testing is to weed out hermies, and other undesirable traits(pun intended).
My testers never told me the Strawberry hermied. Lots of people said it did not hermie and was one of the best strains they have grown so I didn't know you had issues with that strain. I dropped that male because of possible hermie issues but I get conflicting feedback. I'm happy to replace anything. The person on here telling everyone the Strawberry hermies has never grown any of my stuff. How many of the Strawberry plants did you have an issue with?
Some of the testers are the ones who told me shoreline. I am not sure why they didn't tell you. Seems a bit fucked to not convey that to you. I simply asked would you put that in the garden again and the answer I got back was no not due to the balls it throws. Never grown myself so no first hand experience.
Some of the testers are the ones who told me shoreline. I am not sure why they didn't tell you. Seems a bit fucked to not convey that to you. I simply asked would you put that in the garden again and the answer I got back was no not due to the balls it throws. Never grown myself so no first hand experience.
2 people have told me that about other strains but not the Strawberry. The Strawberry is solid so are we talking about the right strain?
Finally getting my Robert clarke book today on breeding. Next time I think I'll pay the 3 dollars more from the Amazon prime user to get the book in 2 days opposed to 3 weeks....fucking shmucks. Free shipping lmao I coulda fucking walked there faster and been done home finished reading the book.
I use to have that book, but it was confiscated along with my other weed books a few years back. I recently picked up a free PDF version. I do enjoy a nice hard copy over an electronic version.

BTW, I've had zero herm issues with Shorelines Strawberry. Every GG#4 cross I've been growing has had a nanner bearing sib in the pack and a few have had some late flower nanners.
My testers never told me the Strawberry hermied. Lots of people said it did not hermie and was one of the best strains they have grown so I didn't know you had issues with that strain. I dropped that male because of possible hermie issues but I get conflicting feedback. I'm happy to replace anything. The person on here telling everyone the Strawberry hermies has never grown any of my stuff. How many of the Strawberry plants did you have an issue with?
The confusion is in mine and @Vnsmkr 's original convo about the strawberry pollen i collected , but it all comes back to that Alien make you were using. You did say you weren't going to use it anymore and that's cool.
We were discussing how the whole point of testing is to get enough data to determine whether or not the cross is stable(at the very least).
In a couple weeks I will post shots of the strawberry that is about done. No herm issues
I'll be in and out, mostly ig for me where i update my pics and grows. Pictures can't be safely posted here so that makes this place pretty unsafe in my eyes. The money hungry folks running the show here don't care about out security, they care about being paid since it's so hard to find a real job in Arizona.
I'll be in and out, mostly ig for me where i update my pics and grows. Pictures can't be safely posted here so that makes this place pretty unsafe in my eyes. The money hungry folks running the show here don't care about out security, they care about being paid since it's so hard to find a real job in Arizona.
How do you get the "incriminating" info off the pics? I assume right click on them and go to properties or something? makes me a bit nervous myself!