My current opinion on all of this legalization stuff is that JT actually thinks what he's saying is true and is straight-up on his intentions. I don't doubt there's some $ benefits in his head, but I do believe he's honest about keeping kids safe, eliminating the BM and all the shit that goes with it, and home grows.
That said, I think he's a little young/naïve due to his up-bringing and doesn't realize how things really work on the street or even in the political arena. He's a good listener but few people ever say what they mean, and in politics none say what they mean, 99% of them have an agenda and money/power is always somewhere in that agenda. Will be interesting to see how he manages those around him, special interest groups (including us), and what the final outcome of that is. I tend to be an optimist but also realist, I'll go that at the federal level, he'll implement a relatively decent model to cover off all interests including home grows (I think for all, not just medical).
imo, what we need to be concerned about are the greedy bitches like Wynne, who no matter what the feds setup at the federal level, will implement further stupid restrictions at the provincial level, take a huge tax/cash grab to line their own pockets provincially, and in turn fuck the whole thing up. JT's publicly stated that the provinces/municipalities will have a lot of leeway on the implementation, distribution etc., that's the part I'm concerned about, not JT's/fed roles.