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If you believe in a Supreme God, I am going to assume you also believe in Judgement Day. A day of punishment for those who turned from God, and repentance never left their mouth ... While rejecting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, also rejecting His existence on earth and how he was risen from the dead and payed for All of our sin's through his Crucifiction, if we may ask for forgiveness and try our best to walk in the Righteous Path. But for those that don't The day shall come in which MANY will be spiritually thrown into someplace similar to a "Lake of Fire and Brimstone", never to leave. If of course their is a Judgement Day in which Divine Punishment becomes manifested to those unlucky individual's. Seem's Horrific. But is his Punishment Logical. And does it even need to be logical. Because He is who He is. He goes by many name's but I prefer Yah-Weh. So if you believe in the God of Abraham, do you believe In Judgement Day? And if you are atheist/agnostic .... Does it strike you that your "Spiritual Body" shall experience Unbearable Pain, And an Unquenchable Thirst and do you think it is Even remotely Possible for It to happen?