Juicy Fruit - CannabisSeeds.com or is it?


Ordered seeds from cannabisseeds.com because it was cheap (didn't have much money at the time) and planted three seeds from the start. Read lots of bad reviews after I ordered the seeds. I received the seeds 8 or so days after ordering. The three I planted on receiving the seeds have sprouted after three days. Six other seeds I planted after the fact as insurance, are still in soil.

My lights are as close as my current setup allows. I'm 70% on my box, but didn't expect that I'd have to have it ready so quickly. Two of my seedlings are stretching for light. Long stretching seedlings. I need to get my lights at concurrent level, probably 1 - 3 inches. Have six 42 watt 5500k CFLs and four 23 watt 2700k CFLs. Pictures for judgement follow:


So my new grow box is built. Still needs a few final touches.

It was a bitch getting it in the closet, had to take it apart and build it again inside. It's aproximately 22" across 32" long and 4 ft tall. To think I built that for three plants. I might have overdone it.

Have six 42w 5500k CFLs hanging now, will switch to 2700k during flower.

Because I'm on a budget (see this post: First Grow - Beg, Borrow & Steal ) I used white paint for now.

Covered the floor with two layers of painters plastic and used water-proof duct tape to secure it.

