Juicy Fruit- Outdoors Mi. Picked Tonight Nice Pics!


Looks good to me man, the calyxes appear swollen and you have a nice frosting that, from first glance, looks mature enough for harvest. Gotta love how the cold temps turn the leaves a deep purple.

Nice job man +rep

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
Well now did someone call me? LMAO +rep man they look good, I'd also be interested to know where the seed came from as I'm going to be growing some JF from BCSK now.


Active Member
i must have an early flowering cross of juicey fruit because mine was finished out first week of october, kinda bummed was trying to get a clone to root at the last minute when i harvested excellent plant tho very uplifting and kinda pschedelic, awesome pics looks alot like mine


Here are some others that r still going. They got hit by a light frost last night but seem to be doing alright. I think they might be ready for harvest real soon. The hairs are almost 80% and the calax's r swollen. Wont yield much,thgey got a late start(1st of August).They smell petty tasty.

