Juicy roots gel by advance nutrients


Active Member
have used it on my ten cuttings that i took a week ago and so far no roots. I did use a dome and put the cuttings in rapid rooters plugs while spraying them with water about 2-3 times daily am I doing something wrong?

maybe this stuff isnt that great will be buying a new rooting hormone called rooktech I belive.


Well-Known Member
the humidity cant be because i spary the dome when i spray the cuttings and my humidity meter wont even work now from the humidity good thing i have an extra meter
most likely you need to add heating matt under the tray which helps produce the humidity without needing to spray the dome. Just add some water to the tray and the heating matt will keep your growing media nice and warm and it will produce high humidity. Remember the cutting will get the water it needs through the foliage until the roots are established. I only use the dome when using rockwool, when using soil less mix I prefer to root the cuttings in half filled solo cups covered with plastic wrap after giving a spray to the walls of the cups and a bit on the foliage. After a week I will poke holes in the plastic to allow the c02 in and oxygen out. You can generally oncover the cuttings after 10 days and see if they stand tall after couple of hours without the high humidity. After establishing roots I then transplant into another solo cup this time burying any stem so it starts as low to the ground as possible. I have a 400w MH in grow spot so it only takes a week or two to be ready to transplant into the actual pot. In winter its a good idea to keep the heating matt under the tray or it will take forever to root


Well-Known Member
forgot to mention that any root gel or powder should work. its normally the conditions not the rooting hormone


Active Member
yea i just checked one of the rapid rooter seems like its working but appears to be developing a tap root and then hopefully later the roots will show so far so good at leats from what i think because there not wilting at all. I will post pics tomorow I dont have a heating mat or funds for one but i was thinking more like a shoe box underneath with a light and dome on top of the box with another light above the dome.

well out of greens and no funds neither time to scrap and smoke my resin from my kush pipe.


Active Member
Hahaha my patience got the best of me when i made this post now i got clones so early I found my self having to let go of two still got two and more to come in a few days.